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Lighthouse Locutions


Enter the Lighthouse
Take Down the Prognosticar

Grab the Pearl

For this mission you’ll need to grab the Black Pearl from the lighthouse in the center of the island.

There are quite a few plants to hide in as you make your way to the entrance of the lighthouse. Bring Suleidy if you want the extra cover seeds as this mission takes place during the daytime.

Go inside and talk to the ghost. He’ll tell you to take out the Prognosticar who has his remains. He can be found on top of a shipwreck not too far away.

Use two crewmates to take him out and the third to take out the nearby soldier. A hatch will appear in the shipwreck. Take it and you’ll appear at the top of the lighthouse.

Grab the Black Pearl and then make your way to a tear to end the mission.

Next: Mission 24: Small Crew, Big Plans

Back: Mission 22: The Kumquat Connection