Level 1: Warehouse
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You start off as just a blur on the screen. Head to the right and select either male or female. There is no difference in terms of game mechanics. Walk to the right and you’ll get your first sign board.
Press F or the top controller button and connect the two signs together. Walk through to the right. There are a few signs to walk through but no real puzzles.
When you get to the yellow signs bring the larger sign to the right side. Connect the doors together and head down to the exit.
The next room just shows you that you can go down ladders as well.
The next puzzle is also very simple. This one shows you that some signs are stuck on the wall and can’t be moved.
Continue to the right until you get to the sign with a Key. Grab the Key, use it to unlock the locked door and then continue through to the next sign.
The next puzzle has four signs, a key and a locked door. The exit is at the top of a ladder.
Go down the ladder to the large room with the key, right to the room with the locked door and then up to the exit.
The next puzzle is slightly more complicated. There’s only one ladder so those two signs need to be connected together. Go from the starting position to the top of the ladder and continue from there to the key and exit.
Make your way through the next signs by hitting the buttons and switches. The next puzzle has three signs, a switch and a button. You can see what activates what by following the dotted lines.
You’ll want to activate the right pillar first as that one goes up and down. The left pillar stays up once activated. Hit the switch first and then the button.
Ride the lift up in the next sign and go up the ladder. The next puzzle is more complicated. Attach the signs together as shown below.
From the start take the lifts up. Hit the button in the side room and then continue around to the exit.
There’s one more real puzzle for this first level. Here’s the solution.
Grab the Key to the left first and then follow the path around to the exit.
Continue through the warehouse until you get to the gate. Grab the Battery, take the ladder down and place it in one of the slots of the console.
You’ll be finding more items for the console in future levels. Head to the left and push the button to open the lift. Climb up the ladder and hit the button to ride the lift down to the next level.
Next: Level 2: Subway
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