Mission 18: Gaelle’s Letter (Ch. 1)
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Gaelle’s Letter (Ch. 1)
Shoot the Cannon
Grab Gaelle’s Stack of Letters
The first objective is to shoot the cannon on top of the shipwreck. There’s a pair of Kindred nearby as well as other soldiers. They’ll be alerted if you shoot the cannon so you can take them out first or shoot the cannon and hide while the alarm is triggered.
When you shoot the cannon Gaelle’s stack of letters will get shot out. Luckily they’re a bit easier to grab than making your way to the cannon. There’s just a couple of soldiers having a chat nearby.
Once you have the letters go through one of the tears back to the Red Marley.
Next: Mission 19: Gaelle’s Letter (Ch. 2)
Back: Mission 17: Toya’s Perfection (Ch. 2)