King's Quest Chapter 4 Snow Place Like HomeToday, King’s Quest Chapter 4: Snow Place Like Home was released by Sierra. For those of you who have purchased the Season Pass this chapter will automatically be added to your library. If not you’ll need a copy of the original game and then you can purchase chapter 4 as DLC.

Chapter 4 continues the story of King Graham, this time with his family, the wife you chose in the last chapter and their two children, Princess Rosella and Prince Alexander.

If you’re familiar with the older King’s Quest games you’ll get some of the references. Otherwise you can still enjoy the game in its own right. Chapter 4 is fairly linear, like Chapter 3, and focuses a lot on the story rather than solo adventuring as some of you might expect. There’s also plenty of puzzles to figure out, so it strays a little from the earlier chapters and the gameplay is more like Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb. If you liked that chapter you’ll probably enjoy playing this one.

There will be a full walkthrough of Chapter 4: Snow Place Like Home here when the game is complete. Make sure you check it out if you get stuck and stay tuned for Chapter 5! If you haven’t got a copy you can purchase King’s Quest Chapter 4 from the Steam store here.


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