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Into the Lion’s Den


Snatch the Captain’s Head

There’s only one landing spot on this island but by now you should have 5 crew members to choose from for your party. I picked Toya, Gaelle and Teresa.

Climb up the ladder and take out the Commisarius. Then drop down into the yard with the bonfire. There are tons of soldiers all over the place. You may want to find a way to sneak past rather than dealing with all of them.

Use the bushes and hedges to make your way across the yard and up the steps. Alternatively you can make your way up to the rooftops.

The Captain’s Head is heavily guarded. Start with the Iudexes in the lookout towers in the corners. Then make your way down to the lower walkway, rooftop and ground floor, clearing out the guards as you go.

Once you’ve stolen the Head make your way back to one of the tears. Along the way a memory will be unleashed and the Head will be back in its original position.

Try to steal the head again and you’ll be reset once more. Afia will realise it’s a trap by Ignacia and she will unleash a memory to take you back to the start of the mission.

Use all your crewmates to take down Ignacia and the mission will reset once again.

Try to attack Ignacia again. Your crewmates will be captured and unavailable for the next mission. In Ignacia Unleashed your remaining crewmates will head out to rescue them.

Next: Mission 12: Ignacia Unleashed

Back: Mission 10: Ash and Ore