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Toya’s Perfection (Ch. 2)


Prepare the Stew
Take Down Same Bellamy

The landing spot of Flotsam’s Head is right next to the first objective so it makes a good spot to start the mission. It’s daytime for this mission so the enemies will have clear sight and will be alerted to any footprints you make in the sand.

Head over to the hotplates and start cooking the Angler’s Stew.

The ghost that Toya is cooking the stew for will only taste it if he takes out the Zealot that he is possessing. You’ll need to make your way over to that location to deal with him.

Unfortunately the dish is not ready yet and needs to be perfected. When the ingredients and hotplate appears use them to start perfecting the dish. The ghost Sam Bellamy will appear in a new location.

ThisĀ  location is very difficult with a Prognosticar wandering around and Kindred nearby, not to mention numerous other enemies. Lure them out as best you can and then take out Sam Bellamy for the second time.

Use the hotplate that appears and perfect the dish. Next head over to the final location by the lighthouse.

Talk to Sam Bellamy one last time and then head to a tear to complete the mission.

Next: Mission 18: Gaelle’s Letter (Ch. 1)

Back: Mission 16: Toya’s Perfection (Ch. 1)