Back to The Pedestrian


Start off by hitting the switch to block the laser. There is a very faint ladder leading down to a secret area.

Take the ladder down and and hit the two buttons so you can clear the blocks and make it to the first collectible. A choice of Top Hat or Centurion Hat.

Pull the switch and take the lift back up. Climb back up the ladder to the main path.

Take the door to the left and use the trampoline to bounce up to the next exit and you’ll reach the first major puzzle.

There’s only one ladder so this helps you make the first connection. Place the trampoline to the far left and the exit sign to the bottom right.

You’ll need to push the block down and then bring it around to the exit sign so you can use it to get out.

In the next sign you’ll get a brief introduction to the cables. Grab the cable and connect the two points together. The roller door will open, as well as the barrier in the sign, so you can get to the exit.

You can’t take items past the arrows in the signs. Grab the key and place it on the lower platform. Hit the button and the block will push it out past the laser.

Grab the key and use it to open the door so you can get to the exit. Make your way past the next sign to the hub area. You need a cable, chip and a block.


Place the key to the left of the block. The ladder and switch room under the block. The start room in the center with the trampoline to the right and the exit room with cable above that.

Go the left, hit the switch and drop the block off the edge so you can get back after grabbing the Key. Then go to the right, use the trampoline and climb up to the exit room. Unlock the door, grab the Cable and head back to the hub.


The bottom right sign is locked in place. Connect the top door in the starting room to the room with two ladders leading down. The lower door connects to the fixed sign door with the laser pointing towards it.

Go to the room with the button and then right to the key. Place the key on top of the block and hit the button. The key will block the laser.

You can then jump over the laser and hit the switch on the other side to turn off the laser. Grab the key and head to the exit.

Computer Chip

This puzzle looks complicated at first but there are a couple of signs that repeat. Also just think about which way you’ll be walking as some signs can only be passed in one direction.

Place the signs as shown below and make your way through to the exit, grabbing the Computer Chip along the way.

Use the block at the hub to jump up and attach the cable. This lifts up the barrier so you can get to the exit. Head to the right past another couple of signs and you’ll enter the train.

The code to start the train is shown to the left of the monitor. Press the buttons in the sign until the code 199 is displayed. Hit the top button to drive the train to the next level.

Next: Level 3: Sewers & City Streets

Back: Level 1: Warehouse