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Make your way through the first two signs to the first puzzle. You’ll need to connect up the wires around the signs as well as the signs themselves.

Connect the ladders and drop down to connect the wires. Place the sign between the yellow wires to open up the piston.

Now you can reset the puzzle and the piston will remain open. Attach the ladder in the starting room to the ladder with the exit. Climb down and take the exit.

To open the gate place the signs so the yellow wires connect. Attach the doors and go through. Take the cable with you to connect the wires. This opens the barrier so you can take the exit.

Hit the button on the next sign to open the gate and go through. In the next sign place the box under the laser. Pull the switch to remove the floor.

Duck under it when it lifts up. Pull the switch on the other side to remove the laser, then jump onto the box so you can get up to the exit. This takes you to the hub room for this area.


This puzzle looks quite complicated but it’s not too bad once you start connecting up the wires. You need to attach power to the cable running away from the sign to the bottom left. You’ll also need to take a spare cable with you.

In the starting sign you have Cable #1 and Cable #2. Use Cable #1 to attach the cable with power to the one at the top. This splits off into two cables. Use Cable #2 to bring power to the third cable from the top on the left.

This opens the barrier in the middle sign. Attach the doors, go through and grab Cable #3. Use Cable #3 to bring power to the cable at the bottom of the first sign. This brings power to the third sign and removes the barrier.

Attach the ladders in the first and second signs. Run all the way through and pick up Cable #4. Use it immediately in the third sign to connect the cables togethers.

Power will not be flowing through it yet. Go back to the first sign and take the cable powering the third sign. Use it in the second sign to attach the cables together.

Go back to the first sign and grab the cable powering the second sign. Use it to power the cable that brings power all the way around to remove the barrier.

Remove the cable that lifts up the barrier. You should now have a spare cable and power will be going through the cable running to the right.

Take the cable through the door to the right. In the next sign you’ll need to attach the wire under the floor.

Return to the hub.


Start by placing the large sign by the power cable to the left. This opens the barrier. Attach the door from the starting room, go through and push the button.

This removes the floor so the cable can drop down. Jump over the gap and drop the cable down. This will block the lowest laser.

Go back to the starting room. Move the large sign above the starting sign and connect the ladders. Climb up, turn off the laser by hitting the switch and grab the Cable.

Connect the small sign to the yellow power cable and the lower sign with the piston. Connect the door from the laser room to the small sign connected to the power cable.

Go through and use the Cable to connect power up through the signs. Go back to the right and down to the starting room. Connect the lower ladder to the room below with the piston.

Drop down the ladder and make your way across to the left to the sign with the arch. You want to drop down through the arch to the staring room by the button under the laser. You need to drop down because if you bounce up you’ll hit the laser.

Press the button to lift up the piston. You can now do a loop around but this time you can bring the cable as you don’t need it to lift up the barrier. Instead you can just walk under the piston to the arch.

Place the exit room under the arch so you can bounce up to the exit. Head back to the hub with the Cable.


Hit the switch to make the floor appear and push the block to the center. Jump up to the switch and hit it to remove the floor and make the block drop down.

Grab the block on the left and push it off the edge to stop the laser. Push the block all the way to the right until you find the secret ladder leading down.

Drop down and push the boxes across to the right. Use them to jump up. Hit the switch to make the piston appear and jump up for the hats.

This time you’ll get the Knight’s Helmet or the Wig. Jump back across the piston and climb up the ladder.

Bring the block back so you can jump up. Push the next block across to the right to block the ladder. Head through the lower exit to the right.

Connect the power in the next sign to open the roller door and enter the garage. You’ll need to connect the signs and cables to release the three pistons one-by-one.

Use the arch to drop onto the sign with the two power connectors. Go through the door to the sign to the right with the Cable.

Connect the cable up to the connectors in the previous sign and place it so the first piston is powered. This will give you access to another two signs.

The pistons remain open even when you reset the puzzle. This time you need two Cables and two signs must be connected to power the second piston.

Place the arch over the room with the Key and Cable. Use the Key to open the door to the right and go through with the Cable. Attach the cable in the sign with the ladder and drop down to the other sign with the Cable. Bring it through the door to the left and attach the cable.

Move the two signs so power is sent to the second piston and it will open. Reset the puzzle by removing one of the connections and the two pistons will remain open.

For the third piston you’ll need three signs and three Cables.

Once again use the arch to drop into the sign with the Key and Cable. This time go through the left door. Take Cable #1 with you and place it in the second sign. Grab Cable #2 and place it in the third sign.

Move the signs around so you can go down the ladder into the room with Cable #3. Connect the cables in this sign and move the signs so power is delivered to the third cable.

Now you just need to get to the exit room. Bring the arch over and drop onto the sign. Grab the Key and take it through the exit. Head back to the hub.

Open the locked door in the hub and then attach the cable. Go through the last door to pick up the little Satellite Dish.

Satellite Dish

This puzzle is more action oriented. You’ll need to move the sign around to attach the cables to the power points as you jump through the barriers. Removing and placing power opens and closes some barriers.

When you zoom out to get a bigger view the action will pause and you can move the sign around to open the next barrier.

Watch out for the Key at the top. You’ll want to keep the Key in place until you push the block off the ledge to block the laser. Then you can grab the key, open the locked door and pick up the Satellite Dish.

Head back to the hub and place the Dish in the console. Then climb up and take the exit at the top left. Follow the path back to the train station. The code this time is 772. Enter the numbers and hit the button to ride the train to the next station.

Next: Level 6: Rooftops

Back: Level 4: Campus