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The first puzzle will introduce a new mechanic, the SAVE state using the green lamps. Everything inside the room attached to the green lamp will not be reset when the rest of the puzzle gets reset.

Attach the green lamp to the empty room and enter from the starting room.

Now connect the empty room that you’re in to the exit room. This would normally reset the puzzle but the state of the green room is saved. Go through to the exit.

In the next sign hit the switch to remove the floor and turn off the laser. You can faintly see a ladder on the right side.

Drop down to the secret room below. This is the final secret for the game. Push the block off and use it to block the laser. Go underneath and jump up to the second block. Push the second block to block the second laser. Grab the first block and push it all the way over to the trampoline.

It will bounce up to a ledge above. Jump under it and on the second trampoline up to the hats. This time you’ll find a Witches Hat and a Crown. Make your way back up to the ladder.

Head through the signs to the lift. Push the buttons as shown on the note, 399, then press the button above to ride the lift up to the rooftops.

Head through the sign to the next puzzle. Attach the green lamp to the room with the switch. Go through and pull the switch. This activates the trampoline.

Go back out and attach the starting room to the exit room with the trampoline. The switch should stay active. Bounce up to the exit.

Bounce up the next signs and across to the next puzzle. This time you have two green lamps, a sign with an arch and a sign with a laser. Pull the switch to make the floor appear and turn on the laser. Go through the arch to the exit sign.

Use the green lamps to save the state of both rooms, then remove the lamp to the room with the switch and arch. The switch will turn off and this turns off the laser. Jump up to the exit.

Another fairly tricky puzzle. You need to get to the left side of the large sign so you can get to the exit. There’s one green lamp and two smaller signs, each with one door.

First go into the small room with the door on the left. Save the state of this room so you’re not reset.

Go to the room with the door on the right and save the state of that room. Go back to the large room but on the left side. Drop down and take the exit.

In the next puzzle go into the room with the Key and save the state.

Go across to the room with the switch and save the state. Drop the Key down so you don’t lose it and go back to the starting room. Rearrange the signs so you can get to the left side of the room with the Key and hit the switch.

Go back to the staring sign and then into the right side of the green room with the Key. Connect it up to the exit and go through.

Climb up through the next signs. You’ll notice a locked door along the way. We’ll be back down here once we have a Key.

Continue up to the sign with the button. Climb down the right ladder and push the block so it will fall onto the ledge to block the laser once the floor gives way. Push the button above to remove the floor briefly. The block should stop the laser so you can bounce up o the Key

Climb up and then back down the left ladder to the locked door. Use the Key to open the door and then hit the switch.

The switch activates the ledge so you can get up to the exit. Make your way across the signs and down the ladder to the hub area.


Head to the left to find the Key. You’ll also need to find a Block so you can get out with the key but we’ll get to that later.

Connect the starting room to the sign with two ladders. Connect the ladders up to the Key room and down to the other ladder room where you can save the state.

Go through and grab the Key. Use the Key to open the door and drop into the room with the save state. Move the connections to reset the puzzle. You’ll remain in the green room.

This time connect the doors to the room with two ladders on the right and the exit room on the left. Attach the ladders up to the Key. Now you can grab the Key and head back to the exit without needing to unlock the door.

Drop the Key down in the next sign. You’ll need to take a small detour to grab a block.

This puzzle only has two signs, a larger sign with a block and a smaller sign with a switch. Drop down to the first door on the right and attach it to the room with the switch. Save the state of the switch room and move the connection to the lower door so you can grab the block.

Grab the block and pull it into the green room so you can jump up and pull the switch. Push the block back and reset the puzzle. The block will get reset. This time push it onto the trampoline. It’ll get bounced up to the top.

Go back to the green room and change the save state to the large sign with the block. You’ll get reset to the start.

Push the block out the exit and use it to jump up to the ledge after you grab the key. Head back to the hub.

Bounce up and use the key to unlock the door. Push the button and you’ll go for a ride. When it stops the barriers will open so you can grab the other items.


Before you can grab the fan you’ll need to press the button that’s locked behind two doors. This means finding two Keys.

Push the button to ride the lift up and the two barriers will open, giving you access to the key puzzles.

Key #1

First connect the ladder to the sign with the switch. Drop down and pull the switch.

Save the state of the switch room and stay inside. Change the ladder to connect to the room with the Key.

Climb up and grab the Key. Place the Key in front of the laser. You’re going to use this to block the laser later.

Change the save state to the room with the lasers. The lasers will activate but you’ll be safe if you’re standing behind the Key. Connect the room to the box room, grab it and use it to block the laser instead of the Key. Stand right by the block and you should be able to grab the Key.

Connect the laser room to the exit room and pull out the block so you can use it to get to the exit with the Key.

Key #2

For this puzzle you have a piston that you’ll need to remove first. Attach the ladder to the lower sign under the piston and save the state of that room.

Climb down and hit the switch. Climb back up and reset the puzzle. Place the arch over the sign with the cable and drop onto it.

Connect the cable to the power points and place the sign to activate the piston. You can step into the blade to reset the puzzle. The piston will remain retracted.

Drop ono the exit room with the switch and hit the switch. Climb back up the ladder to the room with the arch. Now drop into the room with the laser you just turned off. Then connect the door to the room with the Key.

Bounce up to the Key and return to the green room. Drop the Key down and use it as a blocker. Connect the door to the start room with the arch and go through.

Climb down the ladder which should still be connected and turn off the laser. Go back, grab the Key and return to the exit room. Head back to the previous sign and open both doors. Press the button and the fan will drop down.

Press the button at the bottom to ride the lift back down. Grab the fan when the barrier opens and take it across to the console.


To reach the cable you’ll need two blocks. We’ll grab the one to the left first.

Block #1

Connect to the small sign with the laser switch, go through and pull the switch. Then save the state of the sign.

Connect the start room to the large sign with the 2 lasers. One should be off and the other on. Drop down before you hit the bottom laser save the state of the large sign and remove the save state of the small sign.

Connect the ladders and grab the block. Place it on the removable ledge above the laser. Save the state of this room also

Drop into the laser to reset yourself but the block will remain in the same position. From the start room hit the switch and the block will fall down. Connect the start room to the sign with the block.

Grab it and push it through the exit.

Block #2

Now for the block on the right side. This is a difficult puzzle with a large sign, 3 small signs and 2 save states. The Key to unlock the door to the block is stuck behind 2 pistons and 2 lasers.

You can’t reach the button without the block so you’ll need to go to one of the other two rooms. Connect to the switch room that activates the laser.

Go back to the large sign and save the state of the switch you just pulled. Connect the door to the sign with the button. Reset the puzzle and push the block off the edge of the pistons.

Push it into the room with the button and jump up to press it. The pistons will lower.

Grab the Key and save the state of the room with the button. Put the Key in the button room and now you can reset the puzzle.

Hit the switch to activate the trampoline and save the state. Reset and connect to the room with the key. Grab it and bounce up to the locked door. Go through and push the Block through the exit.

Bounce both blocks up to the ledge and bounce up as well. Use them to jump up to the Cable and head back to the hub.

Connect the wire up to get power and climb up the ladder above to the exit. Follow the signs along until you reach the lift. Press the buttons to type in the code, 444. You’ll ride the lift up to the top.

Next: Level 7: The Apartment

Back: Level 5: Alley