Greatest Time of the Year
Back to Carrion
When you begin you’ll be back underground in some kind of facility. This time you’ll begin with all of your abilities and the third stage creature growth will be unlocked.
Break through the barrier to the right and continue right until you see the lift. The switch isn’t activated yet so take the tunnel under the lift.
Continue down to the SAVE point.
There’s nowhere else to go except through the door. Sneak through the tunnel under the rooms and possess or kill the android in the final room. You don’t need to worry about all the other enemies, they’ll be electrocuted once you kill the android.
Once the doors open go into the rooms above and pull the switch. This opens up the little barrier to the right of the SAVE point.
Go back and web the Switch. This opens the barrier to the right and closes the one to the left.
Take possession of the guy on the toilet in the next room and use him to clear out the area.
Shoot the glass above so you can use the web to pull the switch.
Posses one of the guys again and head up the stairs. Pull the switch to open the barrier and quickly hop in the walker to take out the enemies.
Get out of the walker and use the enemy to pull the final switch to the right. This removes a barrier in the passage above.
Climb up the passage and take out the enemies. Pull the switch and ride the lift up, or just use the tunnel to the left.
Pull the central switch. This activates the switch by the lift that we passed at the beginning of this area.
Take the tunnel to the left and ride the lift up. Go one screen to the left and pull the switch. This opens the doors to the left and right. You’ll need to go both directions to open the hatch above. We’ll go to the left side first.
Left Tower
The room to the left is pretty tricky. Stay low and try to grab the enemies one-by-one. Watch out for the androids with the electric shields and sneak up behind them.
Once you’ve defeated the enemies pull the switch to open the door to the left and go through. Take the lift down and you’ll find a SAVE point.
Drop off the biomass in the pool under the save point until you’re Stage 1. You’ll need to be small to get past the laser or the drones will be activated.
Head through the tunnel to the left and you’ll need to activate the three switches to open the door to the next save point. Go through the pipes and then through the door. Take out the enemies and pull the switch.
This activates the three switches in the previous room. Head back out and start with the switch to the far left, then hit the middle and left switch. If you’re quick enough the barrier to the SAVE point will open.
When you save a tunnel above opens up so you can continue to the right.
There are lots of researchers in the next room. Possess the guy to the right and use him to kill the other enemies.
With the room clear use the possessed enemy to pull the switch and open the doors. Go through to the right and eat the enemies until you’re Stage 3.
Use the power board to get a charge. Trigger the bomb and use it to blast through the barrier. Remember to turn on the shield before it explodes.
Head to the right and clear out the enemies.
Harpoons work pretty well against regular enemies and drones. Otherwise use the bash ability in stage 2 or the web in stage 1.
Pull the switch in the next room to activate one side of the tower and to open the door back to the SAVE Point.
Head back up the passage above and take the lift up. This time go to the right.
Right Tower
Take out the enemies guarding the entrance and go through. There’s a passage leading up and down. Take the passage down to the SAVE Point.
Go back up and head around the passage up past the hatch. Go through the door to the right and pull the switch. This opens the hatch and door below.
Head back down and use harpoons to clear out the next room.
Continue to the right and go up to the large open area above. Use harpoons to quickly deal with any enemies.
Be careful of the force fields on the far left and right sides. If you touch them even with a tentacle it’s instant death.
Pull the switch on the far right side to activate the right side tower. The hatch up to the center tower will open.
Head back to the left and go up the hatch you just opened.
The switch to the left isn’t active yet so head to the right. There’s just one more room to clear out but it doesn’t include a Walker. I like to use the possess ability to take control of one of the androids.
Once the room is clear the door to the right will open. Go through and pull the switch. This activates the switch to the left.
Head back to the left and break open the Containment Unit. Inside you’ll find the upgraded Parasitism ability.
Head back down and to the right. Go up the right tower and use the Parasitism to transform. Activate the scanner and escape to the helicopter above.
Return to Carrion