Leviathan Reef Base Bridge
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Leviathan Reef Base
Take the pipes to the right and then head up through the water. At the intersection go up through the blocks to the pipe above.
Use parasitism to control the guy on the other side of the door.
When you release it you’ll teleport into that room. Enter through the open door to find the bridge.
Leviathan Reef Base – Bridge
Deposit the biomass into the pool and head to the right. Pull the switch to open the first door. Use web through the blocks from the other side to open the second door and close the first.
Go to the right and take control of the android on the other side of the blocks.
Use him to pull the switch. This lifts up the water level so you can get through the blocks. Swim across to the right and hit the other switch. This lowers the water so you can get through the hatch to the third switch above.
Pull this switch to open the hatch above in the room with the first switch. Reverse the process, using parasitism to control the android and pull the fist switch. This fills the room with water so you can swim back out. G through the hatch you just opened.
In the room above you’ll find a Containment Unit with the Acathosis ability. This lets you grow spikes while in the second creature stage. This can be very useful against some enemies and the spikes can go through the android’s electric shields.
Break through the barrier above on the left and head up. Take out the enemies on the left and grab the SAVE point on the right. This is the only save point for the Bridge area.
Head to the left and clear out the enemies. The hatch below should open once you’ve dealt with the androids. Go down and take the now open exit back to the Frontier.
Frontier – Marshlands
Go to the right and enter the door for the third and final flashback.
Flashback #3
Walk to the right and climb up the ladders. You need to make your way back up to the top to meet up with the rest of the crew.
Climb up the last ladder and pull the switch. This activates the defence mechanism. Climb up the ladder on the left side and grab the Key.
Climb back down and pull the lever to open the hatch back down. Climb down and use the Key on the locked cell below.
Grab the Stun Gun and climb back up. Pull the switch again but this time use the stun gun on the droid. Once it’s been destroyed the door to the right will open. Go through and climb up.
Unchain the two drones in the next room. This opens the barrier to the right.
Go through and you’ll emerge outside the cave at night time. Walk to the right until you meet up with the crew.
Frontier – Highlands
After the cutscene the door to the top right will open. Go through and continue up until you find the entrance to the Nuclear Power Plant.
Next: Nuclear Power Plant
Back: Relith Science HQ