Relith Science HQ
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Relith Science HQ
Head through the pipe to the right and make your way down so you can break the barrier from inside the water tunnels.
You need to break the barrier so you can web the switch from the other side of the blocks. Go back to the pool and drop off your biomass so you’re in Stage 1. Go back and web the switch.
The water level lowers in this passage and rises in one to the right. Grab your biomass and head through the tunnel that just filled with water.
Go through the pipe and take out the enemies in the next room. You’ll notice ladders in the center leading down but they’re blocked by two hatches. You’ll need to explore the left and right sections of the level to find the two switches that open the hatches.
Take the only available path to the right and down. Deal with the android in the room to the far right and pull the switch. This opens the doors in to left and right in the large central room.
This is also the room with the exit but it’s not open yet. Head back to the central room and choose a direction. I went to the right first.
Right Tower
Break the barriers and make your way to the first SAVE point. The first of four.
Deal with the enemies above and follow the ladder up. There are more enemies to deal with her. Finish them off as you continue up.
Smash through the barrier above and go through the pipe. You’ll spot the second SAVE point.
Head around to the left and down. Don’t worry about going through the green laser for now. It just closes the door below.
Take the pipe up on the left and go up to the pool. Deposit biomass so you’re Stage 1 and make sure you have a full charge.
Go down below where you were before and web the switch. This opens the door above but also resets the lasers.
Go up and use invisibility to get through the laser without triggering it and closing the door. Stealth your way past the enemies and continue down the central passage. This leads to the third SAVE point.
Go down and pull the two switches. One of them opens the hatch immediately below and the other one of the hatches in the central chamber and also releases one of the Walkers.
From the main chamber take the door leading to the left tower.
Left Tower
Take out the enemies and tag the next SAVE point.
Continue up and take out the the Drones. The hatch above will open once you’ve destroyed both of them.
Clear out the yellow clothed researchers in the room above and use them to get your health back if you need it. Break the barrier above and continue up to the top of the tower.
Pull the switch to get access to the pool above. Drop off biomass so you’re in small form. Then use the web to hit the other switch past the barriers.
This opens the door next to it so you can make your way down. Before going down head back up to the pool to get your biomass.
Take the path down and clear out the room below.
Continue down and pull the switch to open the hatches on this side. You can also get back to the SAVE point to replenish your health if you need it.
Continue down the center of the tower and pull the two switches. Once to open the hatch directly below and the other to open the second hatch leading down from the main chamber. Unfortunately a Walker will also get released.
Take out the Walker, heading back to the SAVE point if you need to refresh your health. Follow the ladders down to the room below. Clear out the enemies and pull the switch.
Go through the door you just opened to the bottom right and open the next door. You’ll find a Containment Unit with the Parasitism ability.
Use the new ability to control the enemy above and use him to open the door. You’ll teleport into the room. Head to the left and back up to the main chamber. Go to the right and use the Parasitism to control the Android and turn off the turret.
Go around past the turret and head down. Use Parasitism to clear out the exit room.
Break through and take the exit.
Frontier – Marshlands
Go to the left and pull the switch. This drains the water from the pool below and fills the one to the right. Go down through the hatch and the pipe below. You’ll see the path that is now underwater to the right.
Don’t take it yet, we’ll grab a containment unit in a secret area. Swim down and take the lower exit to the left. This leads back to the Botanical Gardens. Take the exit to the gardens.
Botanical Gardens
From the entrance head to the bottom left side of the map just near a SAVE point.
Take the hidden path to the left and use Parasitism on the android. Use it to pull the switch and open the door. Go up and break the barrier.
Go to the left and enter the door. Pull the switch to open the door below and head back out. Control the android again and send it to the left.
Send it down the stairs and through the door you just opened. You’ll need to go through the doorway and pull the switch again to close the door behind the android and open the one in front.
Control the android again and send it up the ladder. At the top pull the switch to open the barrier so you can get through to the Containment Unit.
Inside you’ll find Pyrophilia, increased resistance to fire. Head back to the right and up to the exit.
Frontier – Marshlands
From here go back the way you came through the water filled chamber. Take the new exit to the right and up to the entrance to Leviathan Reef Base.
Next: Leviathan Reef Base Bridge
Back: Leviathan Reef Base