civ-6-trajanRoman (Trajan)


Trajan’s Column – All cities start with an extra City Center building. This is the Monument in the Ancient era.


All Roads Lead to Rome – All cities will start with a Trading Post. Cities within trading range of the capital will start with a road. If a trade route passes through a city that you own it will provide extra gold.


Optimus Princeps – He likes civilizations that control lots of territory.


Legion – Replaces the Swordsman and has 40 Melee Strength. It does not require Iron to produce. Legions can construct Roman Forts.


Bath – Replaces the Aqueduct and gives an additional +2 Housing and +1 Amenity.

civ-6-peterRussian (Peter)


The Grand Embassy – Trade routes to more advanced civilizations will bring back additional Science or Culture.


Newly founded cities begin with extra territory. In addition Tundra tile provide +1 Production and +1 Faith when worked.


Westernizer – Friendly to civilizations that are more advanced than him in Science and Culture.


Cossak – Unique mounted unit that replaces the Cavalry. The Cossak can move after attacking.


Lavra – Unique district that replaces the Holy Site. Whenever a Great Person is used within the city the cities borders will grow by one tile.

civ-6-tomyrisScythian (Tomyris)


Killer of Cyrus – All units receive +5 Combat Strength when attacking a wounded unit. After killing a unit they heal up to 50 health points.


People of the Steppe – When building light cavalry sush as the Saka Horse Archer you receive two units instead of one.


Backstab Averse – Tomyris dislikes civilizations that declare Suprise Wars.


Saka Horse Archer – Mounted ranged unit. Does not require horses to build.


kurgan – A tile improvement that grants +1 Gold and +1 Faith. You also receive +1 Faith for adjacent pastures.

civ-6-phillip-iiSpanish (Phillip II)


El Escorial – Combat units gain +4 Combat Strength when fighting units from civilizations following a different religion. Inquisitors can remove Heresy one extra time than normal.


Treasure Fleet – Spain receives extra yields from inter-continental trade routes. Ships may be organized into Fleets early than normal.


Counter Reformer – Phillip II likes it when civilizations follow his religion and hates it when others try to spread their religion to his cities.


Conquistador – Replaces the Musketman and gains +10 Combat Strength if there is a Missionary, Inquisitor or Apostle on the same tile. When capturing a city and the Inquisitor is within one tile the city will adopt the Inquisitor’s civilizations religion.


Mission – This is a unique improvement that grants +1 Faith. You get +1 Science if built next to a Campus and +2 Faith if built on a separate continent from your capital.

civ-6-gilgameshSumerian (Gilgamesh)


Adventures of Enkidu – Is able to share pillage rewards and combat experience with allied units who are nearby. You can levy city-state forces at half the cost.


Epic Quest – When a Barbarian Camp is cleared you will receive a Tribal Village Reward.


Ally with Enkidu – He likes civilizations willing to form alliances.


War Cart – Can be constructed from the beginning of the game and suffers no penalties against Spearmen. If starting in open terrain it gets an extra movement.


Ziggurat – Unique improvement that yields +2 Science and +1 Culture when built next to a river.

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