Civilizations (E-G)
Egyptian (Cleopatra)
Mediterranean’s Bride – Increased gold for trade routes. If you start a trade route you receive +4 gold. Trade routes to you receive +2 gold to the owner of the trade route and you receive +2 gold.
Iteru – Wonders and districts are built 15% faster if built next to a river and you can build them on floodplains.
Queen of the Nile – Cleopatra favors civilizations that have a strong military and will dislike you if you have a weak military.
Maryannu Chariot Archer – Mounted ranged unit that receives an extra movement point if starting on open terrain.
Sphinx – Unique improvement that grants culture and faith with bonuses if built next to a wonder.
English (Victoria)
Pax Britannica – When you conquer a city on a foreign continent you’ll receive a free melee unit.
British Museum – Each archaeology museum can hold +3 Artifacts and can support an additional Archaeologist.
Sun Never Sets – Victoria likes to expand out to all continents and she dislikes civilizations that have cities on continents where she hasn’t expanded to.
Sea Dog – Naval unit from the Renaissance era that replaces the Privateer.
Royal Navy Dockyard – Replaces the Harbor and grants +1 movement to all ships built in this dock and +2 gold if built on a foreign continent.
French (Catherine de Medici)
Catherine’s Flying Squadron – She has one level of diplomatic vision greater than normal with other civilizations you have met.
Grand Tour – Tourism from wonders of all eras is doubled and you gain +20% production towards building medieval, renaissance and industrial era wonders.
Black Queen – Catherine wants as many spies as possible and dislikes it when you ignore their espionage.
Garde Imperiale – Receives a bonus for fighting on their home continent and earn Great General points when killing the enemy.
Chateau – Provides culture and extra bonuses when built next to a wonder.
German (Frederick Barbarossa)
Holy Roman Emperor – You get an additional Military policy slot and +7 combat strength when attacking city-states.
Free Imperial Cities – Each city may build an extra district on top of what its population would normally allow.
Iron Crown – Frederick doesn’t like city-states and wants to conquer them. He will dislike you if you befriend city-states.
U-Boat – Replaces the submarine. It has +1 sight and +10 combat strength when fighting on ocean tiles. The U-Boat can see other stealth units.
Hansa – Replaces the Industrial Zone and gets bonus production if built next to a Commercial Hub.
Greek (Pericles or Gorgo)
Bonus (Pericles)
Surrounded by Glory – For each city-state that you are Suzerain of you will receive +5% culture per turn.
Bonus (Gorgo)
Thermopylae – Receive Culture after defeating an enemy unit of 50% of the defeated unit’s base strength.
Plato’s Republic – Receive +1 wildcard policy slot for any type of government.
Agenda (Pericles)
Delian League – Pericles dislikes civilizations that are competing for the same city-states as him.
Agenda (Gorgo)
With Your Shield or on it – Gorgo will never surrender items in a peace deal and dislikes civilizations that have surrendered in a peace deal.
Hoplite – Replaces the spearman. Gain +10 combat strength if next to another Hoplite.
Acropolis – Replaces the Theater Square and gives +1 Great Artist points, +1 Great Musician points and +1 Great Writer points.
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