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Hangar Havoc (Level 1)

How to Enter

To enter the level punch the Blue Mailbox in front of the university. A banana will pop out. Grab it and throw it to the monkey sitting in the tree to the right.

The monkey will swap it for a Key. Use it on the mechanism by the railroad crossing to lift up the boom gate. Walk towards it to enter the level.

Characters: Indiana Jones, Mac

For Hangar Havoc you’ll have Indiana Jones and Mac. Start by picking up the unbreakable crate and place it on the green plate. Use it to jump up to the wall of boxes on the right.

Use Indy to swing from the lamp across to the next wall of boxes. Push off the Box of Bits. Then assemble the bits to make a ladder so Mac can climb up. Drop down to the next area to the right.

Smash the two tan crates and place the Boxes of Bits on the green plates. Break the tall crate between them and then assemble all the bits to make a robot.

Have each character grab a staff from the crate to the right and stand on the lit areas in front of the robot.

Turn each staff so that the light shines into the eyes of the robot. It will smash into the wall of boxes to the right. Pick up the water bottles and put out the fires, then put the pieces of the robot together to make a few steps so you can climb over the boxes.

One the other side use Mac to shoot the target. This opens up the case of spears. Use the spears to make handholds on the wall of boxes at the back.


Use the spears to jump up to green box of bits and push them off the edge. The metal pieces will get drawn to one of the crates. It’s a clue to what’s inside.

Jump onto the container to the right of the room and stand on the buttons. Once both buttons are activated the container will open revealing a Bike. Ride it onto the vehicle button just to the right.

Jump onto the boxes and then swing across the chains at the back. Push off the second box of bits and more metal pieces will be drawn to the same crate. This time it will break open, revealing the artifact.

After the chase scene watch out for Colonol Dovchenko on the boxes throwing bombs. Quickly drive the jeep on the other vehicle button. Pull the lever to lower down a ladder.

Scare Dovchenko away by getting close to him and he’ll move up to the walkway above. Jump across the chains and then climb up the ladder.

When Dovchnko drops down follow him down for a cutscene. You’ll drop to the basement level below.

Colonel Dovchenko Boss Fight

Dovchenko will be on the sled with a chain whip. Use your own whip to pull him off the sled and tie him up.

While he’s tied up quickly run to the buttons at the back of the room and stand on them. The sled burners will activate.

Repeat this three times to defeat the Colonel.

Doom Town (Level 2)

How to Enter

When you arrive you’ll be at the entrance to Doom Town. Follow the studs to the house at the end of the street and you’ll enter the next level.

Characters: Indiana Jones, Janitor

When you begin the level sirens will be blaring don’t worry, you have time to hunt around for studs to get True Adventurer. To do a super jump from a couch or other bouncy object just hold JUMP. You don’t need to time each jump. This took me a while to figure out!

Pick up the little box of bits by the TV and put it on the green plate. Grab the second box on the cabinet at the back of the room and place it on the green plate also.

Assemble the pieces to complete the tiles on the floor. Then push the blue cabinet out of the way so you can pull the Lever. This opens the small gate so you can get upstairs.

Enter the room to the left and break the toilet. Whip the grapple point in the wall behind it and pull it out. A Key will pop out into the bathtub. Grab it and use it in the room to the right.

Grapple onto the ladder and pull it down.

Assemble the box on the smooth tiles to the left and push it to the back of the room and then to the right. Use it to jump up to the dangling rope. Use the attack button to grab the rope. A box will go crashing down through the floor.

Drop down to the room below and assemble the lever. Attach it to the sliding door and open the door.

Grab the Box of Bits on the balcony and drop it off the edge. Drop down and place it on the green plate. Assemble the pieces to make a lawnmower. It will drive around and break open the door to the house.

Use Indy to whip open the garden shed and grab the Shovel. Use it to dig up the Dynamite to the right of the garden.

Grab the Dynamite and quickly run it into the house to blow up the lock on the fridge.

Walk close to the fridge to end the level.

Cafe Chaos (Level 3)

How to Enter

Once you complete Doom Town you’ll be back in College Town near the fridge. You can dig this up later and use it as a vehicle. To get to the next level walk down the street to the right and enter the café.

Characters: Indiana Jones, Mutt

This is a combat level where you’ll be facing waves of enemies. For the first wave you’ll have 6 Agents to defeat. They will drop their pistols when they die so pick one up and clear at the rest to complete the wave quickly.

As a bit of an easter egg you can repair the juke box and pull the lever to listen to the Star Wars Cantina theme.

For the second wave you’ll have to defeat 3 Agents with machine guns. Use the whip to pull them off the counter so you can beat them up.

After a short cutscene you’ll face a final wave of 3 Agents with pistols and 3 Agents with machine guns. Once they’ve been dealt with the level will end.

Motorbike Mayhem (Level 4)

How to Enter

Head up the street to the left of the café and use Mutt to repair the motorbike lift. The level will start immediately. If you quit out and need to restart you can drive a vehicle through the arch at the end of the street to restart the level.

Characters: Indiana Jones, Mutt

Motorbike Mayhem is a vehicle combat level. You’ll be taking out the enemies while driving motorbikes and cars. You’ll need lots of studs to reach True Adventurer but there’s also quite a few purple studs to find.

For the first wave you’ll need to defeat 3 Motorcycles. Look for the red arrows around the screen. They’ll point in the direction of the nearest enemy.

Motorbikes aren’t powerful enough to destroy a car so you’ll need to hop into one of the neutral vehicles around the map. The second wave of enemies includes 2 Motorcyles and 2 Cars. They’ll be doing laps counter-clockwise around the town.

For the third wave you’ll face 3 Cars and 2 Small Trucks. Clear them all out to end the level.

Crane Train (Level 5)

How to Enter

Once you complete Motorbike Mayhem head back to the train to the university. The green arrow will be directing you into the train car for the final boss.

Characters: Indiana Jones, Mutt

When you start the level you’ll be on top of a moving train. There’s a purple stud to the back of the train and one to the front. To reach them jump across to them and quickly switch characters before you die. You won’t lose any studs if you’re not controlling the character that dies.

Use Indy to whip across to the central grapple point. Jump across to the left chain to disable the arm on the same side for a few seconds. Quickly attack the claw to break off one of the fingers.

Do this a couple of times until the orange grapple piece gets knocked off.

You’ll need to do the same thing for the other arm. Disable it and break it apart. Then attach the orange grapple point to the blue piece on the right arm. When it lifts up have Indy swing across to the other train. Drop down through the hole in the roof and beat up the driver to complete the story levels.

Next: Crystal Skull Part 1 – Treasure Levels

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