LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues is the second Indy game in the LEGO series and takes place over the four Indiana movies. There’s lots to explore with dozens of story levels, treasure levels and bonus levels. There’s also a super bonus level for each of the hub areas, dozens of characters, vehicles and races.

Only one hub area is available from the start, The Crystal Skull Part 1. Progressing through the story levels will unlock the whole hub area. You can then complete the treasure and bonus levels, as well as unlocking all characters and vehicles.

Indiana Jones 2 Walkthrough

The Crystal Skull Part 1

Story Levels
Treasure Levels
Bonus Levels
Coloured Bricks
Vehicles and Races

The Crystal Skull Part 2

Story Levels
Treasure Levels
Bonus Levels
Coloured Bricks
Vehicles and Races

The Crystal Skull Part 3

Story Levels
Treasure Levels
Bonus Levels
Coloured Bricks
Vehicles and Races

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Story Levels
Treasure Levels
Bonus Levels
Coloured Bricks
Vehicles and Races

Temple of Doom

Story Levels
Treasure Levels
Bonus Levels
Coloured Bricks
Vehicles and Races

Last Crusade

Story Levels
Treasure Levels
Bonus Levels
Coloured Bricks
Vehicles and Races