Back to Axiom Verge

Backtracking Part 1


From SAVE Room (1) go right and take the exit down. Run to the right and drop down when you can. Hug the cliff on the right side as you make your way down the room. When you see the small passage release the drone.

Teleport to the drone and jump up for the Public Notice (2). From here drop down and take the exit to the lower right. Make your way around the passage and take the exit at the top right. Take the exit above and then drill or dash your way through the wall to the left. On the other side you’ll find Health Node Fragment 3/5 (3).

Take the exit on the right side of the room. Jump up the platforms and take the next exit up. In this room you’ll find the Reflector weapon (4).

Return the way you came, back to the very large room. Use the drone to get up to the small passage above so you can get out of this corner. Climb up to the point at (5) and use the Address Disruptor on the enemy in the wall.

Jump up so it shoots out of the wall and it will make a bridge of stone. Drill up through it to make a hole so you can shoot a drone through it and get on top. Run all the way to the left and drill down for Power Node Fragment 6/6. Drop down to the lower ledge and you’ll find a Journal Page (6).

Drop down and take the exit to the room below. Drill down through the tiles and drop down to around the center of the room. Dash into the empty space shown in the picture below.

Dash to the left to break the tiles and you’ll find the Ion Beam weapon (7). Take the exit to the lower right to SAVE Room (8).

From the SAVE Room (8) go to the left and take the next exit down. Make your way down and take the exit down to the tall room.

From here make your way down and take the first exit to the right. Head through the small room and then the room with the pink water. Destroy the tiles at the top of the right wall and teleport up.

Take the exit to the right. Walk to the right until you see the pink creatures hovering up and down. This is a tricky section. Use the Address Bomb to disrupt them all and shoot the drone up to land on one of them. Teleport to the drone and make your way up to the top.

Walk to the left and break the tiles above the platform with the laser enemy. Dig all the way up and to the right. Once you reach a square open area kill the enemies and dig down. Eventually you’ll drop down to an exit. Take the exit down. You’ll drop onto the Tethered Charge weapon (9).

Take the exit to the left and go left again. Make your way back to the tall room and drop down for SAVE Room (10) if you need it. Then take the exit to the left that leads to Zi.


Make your way around to the boss room (1). Take the lower right exit and then do a tricky jump on the right side. You’ll need to jump, teleport up at the highest point and then throw the drone upwards.

Teleport to the drone at the highest point and then teleport diagonally up to the right to land on the ledge.

On the ledge (2) you’ll find Power Node Fragment 1/6. Head back through the boss room and then make your way down to the SAVE Room (3). Continue left and take the exit into Absu.


Make your way up to the square room by the Save Room and take the top right exit (1). Climb to the top and use the Address Disruptor on the corrupted wall at the top. Walk through it and then teleport through the next wall. You’ll spot the Inertial Pulse weapon (2).

Head to the left to the rectangular room and drop down the second pit. Release the drone and dig through the green tiles below. Follow the breakable tiles to the left and you’ll find the page on Drones (3).

Go one room to the left and drop down for a Range Node (4).

Continue to the rectangular room to the left and drop down. Follow the rooms to the right and at the very end (5) you’ll find Power Node Fragment 2/6.

Head over to the SAVE Room (6) if you need it and then up to the Boss Room (7). Start dropping down on the left side and drop down to a new room at (8). Head left and down until you find The Storm journal page (9).

Teleport through the walls in the bottom left corner at (10) for the Plan B page.

Go one room to the left and drop down as far as you can (11). You’ll seem to reach a dead end.

Use the Address Bomb to clear a passage down. Make your way down and take the exit to the right. The go up to the room above for a Range Node (12).

Head to the tall room to the left and once again it will seem like you can’t go any further down. Teleport down to the empty squares under the skeleton.

Release the drone and continue down. Take the exit to the left for the Transcription page (13). Go back to the right and teleport down again. Drop down and take the next exit to the left. This time you’ll find a Data Bomb (14).

Climb back up and take the exit to the right. Make your way through the long passage to the left and at the end you’ll find Power Node Fragment 3/6 (15).

Go back to the tall room and climb up a couple of ledges. Dash into the squares on the left side for Health Node Fragment 4/5 (16).

Climb up further, take the next right and go up and right. You’ll find Power Node Fragment 4/6 (17).

Continue to the right and use an Address Bomb to clear the corruption. You’ll Find Power Node Fragment 5/6. Clear the corruption again for Power Node Fragment 6/6 and Power Node Fragment 1/6 to the far left.

That’s it for Absu so make your way up to Eribu.

Backtracking Part 2


Go all the way to the left to a room you may not have explored previously. Make your way up to the top right for Health Node Fragment 5/5 (1).

To reach the room above you’ll need to enter the passcode “DALKHU-SUBTUM”. An exit will appear at the top left.

In the room above use a Bomb Disruptor to deal with all the laser enemies. Then grab the Orbital Discharge (2) from the top right corner.

Return the way you came and take the exit up to the tall room. Take the first exit to the right. Find the spot in the center (3) and grapple onto the rock above.

Teleport to the space above and dash to the right. You’ll break the blocks and find Power Node Fragment 2/6.

Go back o the tall room and continue up. Use the Address Bomb near the exit to the left and throw a drone through the gap. Take the left exit. Send the drone all the way to the left for the Lightning Gun (4).

Leave the drone and take the exit to the left above. Return to where you began the game and picked up the first gun. There’s something else here. Jump up in the top left corner and dash through the tiles. You’ll reveal a hidden passage (5).

To the left you’ll see two exits. I’ll take the exit to the left first. Make your way around and use the drone to grab Health Node Fragment 1/5 (6).

Take the exit to the room above. You’ll need to throw the drone up to reach it. Then do the same thing and take the exit up in the next room.

Go up as high as you can and enter the passcode “DINGER-GISBAR” This opens a passage so you can dash into the space with the Flamethrower (7).

Return to room (5) and take the exit above. Work your way through this room using the drone and teleports. You’ll need to destroy the red bubbles to clear a space as well. Take the exit to the right. On the right side you’ll find a Faded Note (8).

Head back the way you came and make your way to the square room towards the top left section of the region (9).

Take the exit above and climb up as high as you can. Enter the passcode “Ikkibu-Labiru”. An exit will appear to the left. Take it and follow the path around to the left, down and back to the right. You’ll find Power Node Fragment 3/6 (10).

Go back to the tall room and take the top right exit. Take the first exit up to a room that you probably haven’t explored before. Take the next exit up and use the Address Bomb to clear the disruption. Take the final exit up, climb the platforms and pick up the Health Node (11).

Take the exit to the Ukkin-Na region.


Head to the right and then make your way up the tall room. On a ledge above you’ll find a Health Node Fragment 2/5 (1). Jump up to grapple onto the ceiling. Then teleport up to the empty space above for The Outsider page.

Drop down and continue right all the way until you enter the Edin region.


You’ll immediately need to perform a tricky series of jumps. Shoot the drone up to land on a little ledge above. Teleport to the drone. Jump up, teleport up and shoot the drone to land on the highest ledge. Teleport up to the drone (1).

Grapple across to the right until you find Health Node Fragment 3/5 on a ledge. Drop down and continue to the right.

Climb up the ruins in the center of the room and look out to the left. Shoot the drone out, teleport to it and dash into the room (2).

Inside you’ll find a Bioflux Accelerator. Drop down and climb up the ruins again. Head to the right and take the right exit. Make your way around to the tall rectangular room (3).

Shoot an Address Bomb upwards and the worms inside the buildings above will clear out the tiles. Jump and drone upwards. Teleport to it to grab the Vykhya Translation (4).

Ride the steam vents up to the top of the room. Grapple along the ceiling to the left and teleport through the grey area to the top. You’ll find Health Node Fragment 4/5.

Drop down and take the exit in the top right. You’ll be in a square room with worms. Use the Address Bomb to disrupt the worms and they’ll destroy the breakable tiles in the top right corner. Or you can jump up and drill them out.

Continue up and you’ll find the Distortion Field weapon above (6).

Make your way down through the boss room to (7). Use the Address Bomb to clear the distortion. Do it again on the tree to the right and some platforms will appear. Use them to clmb up to the area above and take the top left exit.

Dash through the wall on the left side and you’ll find a Power Node and Health Node (8).

Return to Ukkin-Na.


Dash through the floor at (1) and then the 3 laser beams to pick up the Power Node Fragment 4/6.

Then climb up to SAVE Room (2). This is where we’ll start the next section and the climb up to the final boss.

Next: Part 10: Mar-Uru

Back: Part 8: E-Kur-Mah