Portal Chapter 1 (Puzzles 00 – 03)
Puzzle 00
You wake up in a small lab room with a cryochamber. Wait for the orange portal to appear and then walk through. Continue around to the room with the red button. When you step on the button a cube drops down from the tube in the corner. Pick up the cube and place it on the button to open the exit door. Go through the door to the elevator to complete this puzzle.
Puzzle 01
Walk around the corridor and drop down to the room below. There’s a portal on one wall that rotates through three different rooms, the room with the cube, the room with the button and the room with the exit. Wait for the portal to open up to the room with the cube and pick it up.
Take it back through the portal and then go through the portal to the room with the button. Place the cube on the button and leave through the portal. Take the portal to the room with the exit door and go through to the elevator to complete this puzzle.
Puzzle 02
Walk ahead to the room with the glass wall overlooking the room with the portal gun. Wait for the door to the right to open and go down the stairs. The portal gun will shoot a portal through the small square hole and make a portal on the wall to the right.
Go through and drop down to the room with the portal gun. Get close to pick it up. You can only shoot the blue portal for now.
Shoot a blue portal somewhere on the ground level and go through to appear on the ledge above. Go through the open door on the right to the level exit.
Puzzle 03
This one is really simple. Walk around the corridor until you see an orange portal on a walkway ahead. Place the blue portal and go through. Now place the blue portal next to the level exit and go back through the orange portal. Enter the lift to end the level.
Next: Chapter 2 (04 – 07)
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