Portal Chapter 7 (Puzzle 15)
Puzzle 15
Walk forwards through the corridor to the first glass barrier. To get over it you’ll need to fling yourself over. Place a portal on the top of the back wall and another on the ground below it. Drop through the portal in the ground to fall out of the portal on the wall. If you’ve place it in the right spot you’ll fall through the portal on the ground and get flung over the barrier.
Walk into the next puzzle room. To the left you have a platform that needs to be activated. There are two rooms to the right, one that shoots light balls and the other with a receptacle. Place a portal on the wall opposite the light ball shooter and the other on the wall opposite the first room.
After the light ball leaves the second portal place two more portals inside the room with the receptacle. One on the wall where the light ball is about to hit and the second on the roof above the receptacle.
Once the light ball hits the receptacle, the platform opposite the first room will activate. Jump onto the platform and go through to the next puzzle.
Place a portal on the tiles at the top of the back wall and then go up the steps on the left. Place a portal on the ground in the pit behind the steps and drop through. As you come out of the portal on the wall you’ll need to replace the second portal with one on the ground before you land. You’ll drop through the second portal with greater speed and out the portal on the wall and over the barrier.
For the next puzzle you have a large room divided in the middle. There’s a light ball shooter and receptacle on one side and some angled tiles on the other. You’ll need to get across to the angled tiles so place one portal on the tile on the back wall and the other on the ground. Drop through and replace the second portal on the ground to align with your fall and fall through again. This time you should get flung over the barrier.
Place the portals on both sides of the wall opposite the angled tiles. The ligth ball should go through and make it back to the receptacle on the other side of the room.
Use the portal on the wall near to the roof and the other on the floor to fling yourself back over the barrier. The door on the side of the room has opened. You’ll see platforms moving along a laser beam towards you.
For the next puzzle you have a large room divided in the middle. There’s a light ball shooter and receptacle on one side and some angled tiles on the other. You’ll need to get across to the angled tiles so place one portal on the tile on the back wall and the other on the ground. Drop through and replace the second portal on the ground to align with your fall and fall through again. This time you should get flung over the barrier.
Place the portals on both sides of the wall opposite the angled tiles. The light ball should go through and make it back to the receptacle on the other side of the room.
Use the portal on the wall near to the roof and the other on the floor to fling yourself back over the barrier. The door on the side of the room has opened. You’ll see platforms moving along a laser beam towards you. Place a portal on the far wall and one on the wall next to you. Look through the portal and go through once a platform gets close enough.
Stand on the platform and before it moves around the corner place a portal in the next wall ahead. Place a portal in the wall next to you and go through to the next platform.
From here you should be able to shoot a portal beyond this corridor. Shoot a portal in the wall next to you and go through.
The last puzzle for this chapter looks tricky but it’s really not that difficult. There are two closed doors with a receptacle behind them. The doors will open for a short while when the buttons are pressed. The buttons are located in rooms on either side of the large room. Go up one platform and place a portal behind one of the buttons. Drop down and go up the other side. Place the second portal behind the second button.
Press the button, go through the portal and quickly press the second button. Quickly place a platform in the center of the large room where the light balls are hitting and the second one on the tiles on the wall that are out a little from the rest of the wall. The light ball should go through the portals and through the open doors to the receptacle.
This activates a platform that takes you to the level exit.
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