Back to Goblins 3


As you enter the town Chump will get captured by someone in the grocery store. Speak with the nanny and she’ll complain about the hole in her roof. Walk up onto the roof and use the Umbrella on the hole in the roof. Walk back down and speak to the granny again. This time she’ll give you a Hot Water Bottle.

Climb back up the stairs to the roof and place the Hot Water Bottle on the large egg. A baby boucassier will hatch. Walk back down and enter the grocery store.

Grocery Store

Give the Coin to the Grocer and then give him the Letter. The Grocer’s not too happy but at least you can grab the Egg of Boa-Boa and the Key. Use the Key on the moonstone lamp hanging on the left wall and Blount will get turned into a werewolf. Now talk to the Grocer again. Pick up the strand of Spaghetti and then click on the pot to open the lid and let Chump free.

Jump on the sofa to reveal a spring and then pick up the cupboard on the top level. Blount will throw it to the ground. Climb up to the cornice and Blount will jump down, smashing the cupboard. Look in the opening of of the cupboard to find a Hammer.

Jump on the spring and Blount will leap up to the ledge with the creature head (Gidouille). Use the Hammer on the Gidouille to break off part of its horn. Drop down and pick up the Horn.

Use the Hammer on the Grocer and he’ll drop the coin. Pick up the Coin and leave the store. Blount will return to normal.


Click on the Alchemist’s doorbell twice to talk to the Alchemist and then go inside.

Alchemist’s Lab

After reading the advice for how to use the magic lab you’ll have two hands to control. A Left Hand and a Right Hand. The Left Hand is used for operating mechanism and the Right Hand is used for picking things up. You’ll eventually need to make three potions. The first is the Growthixir. Your inventory items will be scattered around the lab.

With the Right Hand pick up the Boa-Boa Egg and put it on top of the Hot Water Bottle. A little snake will hatch out of the egg. Pick up a piece of the Egg Shell that fell down and put it in the mortar. Pick up the pestle and use it on the mortar to to create Egg Shell Powder. Click on the Egg Shell Powder and the hand will put it on a board.

Switch to the Left Hand and turn on the tap. Use the Right Hand to pick up the small bowl of water and pour it into the kettle to the left. Pick up the Spaghetti and put it into the kettle. Pick up the Lighter from the shelf below the kettle and use it to light the heater under the kettle. Take the Cooked Spaghetti and put it into the tridose mixer.

Grab the Horn and put it on the ashtray. Pick up the lighter and light the ashtray to burn the horn. Pick up the Burnt Horn and put it in the tridose mixer. Pick up the Powdered Egg and put it into the tridose mixer as well.

Switch to the Left Hand and press the lever on the table to the left of the tridose mixer to turn it on. This will produce the Growthixir. Switch to the Right Hand and pick up the Growthixir. Feed it to the Boa-Boa to see if he will grow.

Now that you know it works make the Growthixir again, following the same formula as before. This time pick it up and pour it into one of the bottles on the shelf. Leave the Alchemist’s lab.


Use the Growthixir on the bud just outside the house with the lady. The snake is called Fulbert. Switch to him and climb the stem of the tree. Fulbert will scare the lady and she’ll drop her letter. Switch to Blount and pick up the Love Letter.

Switch to Fulbert and climb the stem once more. This time the lady will drop a flower. Quickly switch to Blount and grab the Flower before it falls down the grate. Use the Love Letter on the mirror outside the ladies house. The first time Blount will realize there’s a secret message on it. Use the Love Letter again on the mirror to read the message.

Climb up to the top of the house and use the Growthixir on the Boucassier chick to make it grow. Go back down to the street level and walk over to the Grocery Store. Use the Growthixir on the young plant just outside the store to make it grow.

Position both Fulbert and Blount just outside the store. Use Blount to pull the lever to make a cannon ball drop down.  Click on the cannon ball to have Blount climb onto it. Quickly switch to Fulbert and have him jump on the lever. The cannon ball will be lifted back up, taking Blount to the upper level.

Switch to Fulbert and climb the plant up to the roof.  Walk both Fulbert and Blount over to the gap between the two roofs. Use Fulbert and click across the gap to make him stretch across. Quickly switch to Blount and walk across Fulbert to the other side.

Pick up the Shoe Sole. Have Fulbert stretch across again and walk Blount back over the gap. Take both characters through the chimney and they’ll end up back down on the street level. Enter the Grocery Store.

Grocery Store

Switch to Fulbert and have him click on the button on the table in the bottom left corner. The meat will fall down into a trapdoor. Switch to Blount and use the Hammer on the trapdoor and then pick up the Bone.

Place Fulbert just to the left of the night stand. Have Blount lift up the night stand and quickly switch to Fulbert to swipe away the soap. Switch to Blount and pick up the Soap.

Use the Hammer on the travel box at the back of the room. Look in the hole to find a Decoy. Leave the Grocery Store and go back to the Alchemist’s Lab.

Alchemist’s Lab

With the Right Hand put the flower in the still. Take the lighter and then light the burner under the still. Take some water and put it in the kettle. Pick up the sole and put it in the kettle. Take the lighter and light the burner under the kettle.

Pick up the bone and put it in the mortar. Pick up the pestle and use it on the mortar. Now pick up the floriane extract from the still and put it in the tridose mixer. Put the bone powder in the tridose mixer and then the boiled sole in the tridose mixer. Switch to the Left Hand and use the lever to turn on the tridose mixer. Switch to the Right Hand and put the Speedixir in one of the bottles and leave the lab.


Move Blount and Fulbert onto the Grannies house. Use the Speedixir on Blount to make him move much faster. Switch to Fulbert and have him make a bridge between the roofs. Quickly switch to Blount and have him use the Decoy on the bell. Quickly go back over Fulbert to the other side. Another Boucassier will arrive. Click on the Boucassier in the nest to draw its attention. It will fall in love and drop a feather. Quickly run Blount down to the bottom of the house and grab the Feather before it disappears. Head back into the lab.

Alchemist’s Lab

With the Right Hand pick up the memorum and put it in the still. Pick up the lighter and light the burner under the still. This will make tears of joy. Pick up the feather and put it in the ashtray. Light the ashtray with the lighter.

Put the feather ash into the tridose mixer and then the tears of joy into the tridose mixer. Pick up the water and place it into the empty bowl. Pick up the soap and put it into the bowl with the water.

You’ll need to be quick here. Take the coin and use it on the coin slot just under the fan. Take the key and use it on the soapy water and then use the key on the fan to make a bubble. The bubble will land in the tridose mixer.

Switch to the Left Hand and press the lever to turn on the tridose mixer. This will make Wingixir. Pick up the Wingixir with the Right Hand and put it into one of the bottles on the shelf to complete this section.

Next: Clouds, Foliander and Colossus’ Face