Clouds, Foliander and the Colossus’ Face
Pick up the Knife and one of the Sandbags. Place the Sandbag on the side of the basket of the hot air balloon. This will lower the hot air balloon so that it’s over the ram. Use the Knife to cut off one of the sandbags and knock out the ram. Use the Knife to cut off another sandbag from the basket so that it’s next to the highest island.
Go over to the fishing line and use the Golf Club on the fishing line to make a Fishing Rod. Talk to Ooya the magician. He’s stuck on the island. Click on the pump near to the Meteorologist to blow a balloon. Switch to Ooya. When the balloon floats close to Ooya jump onto the balloon to take a lift over to the island with the tuft. Use Ooya to cast a spell on the tuft and a giant will appear.
Switch back to Blount and use the pump to make another balloon. Switch to Ooya and once again grab onto the balloon when it gets close to take a lift to the next island. Cast a spell on the stone to make a bridge back to the island with the giant. Exit down the bottom left to Foliander.
Walk across to the left and put Ooya on the spade. Switch to Blount and press the bottom button on the catapult once to move the catapult arm to its shortest position. Walk up to the telescope on the right and look into it. The Colossus will fire the catapult and Ooya will end up on the rock with the cheese. Cast a spell on the cheese to make a worm come out.
Walk Blount over to the catapult and press the catapult button twice until the arm is in the middle position. Stand on the spade. Switch to Ooya and bring him over to the catapult. Press the catapult button once and then climb up the ladders to the ledge above the Colossus. Cast a spell on the ship trophies. Blount will be flung over to the rock with the worm. Switch to Blount and use the Fishing Rod to catch the Worm.
Drop down and use the Fishing Rod on the Field Glass next to the Colossus to pick it up. Walk back to the Clouds.
Use the Fishing Rod on the hole in the clouds and Blount will catch a Sawfish. Use the Field Glass on the stain in the ice mountain to see a little animal is in there called Bizoo. Just to the left of the giant you’ll notice a cloud. Use the Fishing Rod on the cloud to bring it over the giant.
Switch to Ooya and walk him up to the giant. Switch back to Blount and pump up a balloon. As soon as the balloon starts drifting over to the left move Blount over to the cloud. Switch to Ooya. When the balloon is in range jump over to grab onto the balloon. Quickly switch to Blount and use the Knife on the cloud. The cloud will rain and the giant will sneeze. Ooya will float over to the island with the geysers.
Switch to Ooya and have him stand on the tallest geyser. Switch to Blount and click on the lowest geyser to block it off. Ooya will be thrown up to the island with the hot air balloon. Have Ooya walk into the balloon. Switch to Blount and throw two Sandbags into the hot air balloon. Ooya can now walk onto the island with the ice. Have Ooya cast a spell on the stain to defrost the little creature. Switch to Blount and pick up Bizoo (the little creature in the ice mountain). Head back to Foliander.
Walk over to the catapult and press the top button to load a rock (the arms must be in the middle position). Press the lower button to move the arm to the longest position. Switch to Ooya and cast a spell on the trophy ships on the wall above the Colossus. The Colossus will fire the catapult and the rock will knock his helmet off.
Switch to Blount and use the Saw Fish to try and cut down the column that one end of the hammock is tied to. Blount will get trapped in a cage. Switch to Ooya and cast a spell on Blount to free Blount’s shadow.
Switch to the Shadow and go up to the robot. Talk to the robot’s shadow. Walk back down to the Colossus and use the Bizoo on the Colossus.
Colossus’ Face
Click on the loose tooth and the Bizoo will find a Toothpick. Stand near the top of the scar and use the Toothpick on the flea that appears. More and more fleas will appear. Use the Toothpick to knock all of them out. The last one will be the Papa flea.
Use the Toothpick on the left eye (right side when look at the colossus) and then enter through the right ear (left side when looking at colossus) to push out some sand from his eye. Take the Toothpick again. Walk into the left ear to appear at his nose. Pull on the hair and a tear will roll down. Quickly go up and push the sand onto the tear to make it roll down to the Colossus’ collar.
Enter the left ear and pull the nose hair again. This time click on the tear to take a ride down to the collar. Push the grain of sand off the Colossus. Exit the Colossus by clicking on the top right of the screen.
With the Shadow pick up the Grain of Sand and place it in the machinery of the catapult. Switch to Ooya and have him cast a spell on the trophy ships to make the Colossus use the catapult. The catapult will break down. Switch to the Shadow and pick up the Gear that breaks loose. Walk up to the robot and use the Knife on the robot. Place the Gear in the hole of the robot to repair it. Grab the Pollen from the robot’s mouth and use it on the Colossus.
Colossus’ Face
Have Bizoo jump on the Colossus’ nose. When the Colossus starts to scratch his nose stand on the nose again. This time Bizoo will be flung up to the forehead. Grab the Pollen and drop down to the nose. Use the Toothpick on the nostril and then place the Pollen in the Colossus’ left ear. It will get stuck so jump on the shirt collar to the right of the screen and Bizoo will push the pollen through the ear.
After the cut-scene this section will end and you’ll be granted an audience with the Queen.
Next: Queen & King