Moonlit Forests
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Once again the boy prince runs away. Head to the right and jump up the leaves. Use the rings to create a rope bridge to get up to the orb on the ledge above.
Place a box on the right platform while standing on the left one to be lifted up. Swing or dash across to the right for a large Orb.
Drop back down and continue to the right. As you jump across the leaf you’ll be attacked by Shadow creatures. Kill them and continue to the right.
Break the rope holding the ledge up with the box so you can pick up the Jar inside. Move the stone block on the ground so it’s no longer in front of the glowing stone. A rock ledge will slide out. Place a box on the rock ledge and jump up for more Orbs.
Place the stone block in front of the other glowing stone on the ledge to open the door below and go through.
Make a rope bridge between the swing and the ring to form a rope bridge and walk across. Jump up to the top of the swing to grab the orbs and then dash across to the other side.
Create a box and place it in front of the glowing stone to the right. The boulder will drop down. Place the boulder in front of the glowing stone to the left and the door will open.
Use the ring to swing up to an Orb where the boulder fell down from and then jump or dash across to the other side and go through the door.
Jump across the leaves and break the branches to release the three boulders. Roll across on one of them, breaking the branches as you go. Use Pontius to protect yourself from the pink fireballs.
Continue to the right and place a box on the glowing stone to draw out a rock ledge. Freeze the ledge and remove the box. Place the box on the first ledge so that you can jump up to the second ledge for an orb.
Continue jumping up to the left to a swing. Use it to get up to the top platform for another Orb.
Head to the right for another battle with a few Shadow creatures. When you are done break the rope holding the swing in place and swing across to the ledge on the cliff to the right. Jump up for four Orbs.
Drop down, grab the orb and stand on the lift to be taken down. Go through the door to the right. Place the wooden box under the glowing stone and create a box on top of it. Attach the created box to the ring above. This opens a sliding door to the second glowing stone.
Move the wooden box up to the second glowing stone to open the hatch in the floor.
Drop down through the hatch and break the branches. Continue to the right and deflect the fireballs onto the branches to the right. This releases a stone cube and a boulder. Jump over to the cube and then stand on the boulder with Pontius. He’ll roll over to grab the Orbs. Keep his shield up to deflect the fireballs.
Create a box and jump up to grab the bar above. Climb up and continue to the right for another battle with Shadow creatures. Once you’ve killed them you may notice an Orb high up on a shelf to the left.
Break the box and create a box of your own on the stone platform. Bridge up to the ring and jump up to the Orb. There’s another Jar in a wooden box dangling from a ledge above so make sure you break that one as well.
Drop down and head to the right. Use Amadeus to conjure a steel ball and roll along on top of it to the other side of the poisonous plants pit.
Create a box and jump up to the ledge. Create a steel ball for the next pit and ride along it to the first glowing stone. Freeze the ledge that it activates.
Roll along to the next glowing stone to pull out the lower ledge and then jump up to the top. To activate the third glowing stone place a box in front of it. The stone ledge underneath will slide out, as well as another ledge to the left.
Jump up to the ledge to the left for a secret area. Grab the three orbs and then make a box to climb up the next wall.
Bridge across the first pit using the rings as anchor points.
Create a steel ball and roll across to the wall. Jump up to the bar and across to the ledge for the Orbs and a treasure, the Broken Dream Talisman. Drop down the ledge to the right.
Replace the box on the glowing stone to the right and jump across. Deflect the fireballs or dodge past them. Dash across the gap and pick up the Orbs.
Place a box on the right lift and freeze the one on the left when it’s at the highest position. Place a box on top of it and jump up to the small ledge to the left. Shoot an arrow through the bars to break the rope holding the ledge up and a large Jar will fall down.
Jump across to pick it up and continue to the right. Jump up the leaves for a few Orbs. Break the boxes and place a box down to the right. Attach a rope to the hatch and pull it open. Attach it to the box to keep it open. Freeze the hatch so it stays in the open position.
Drop a steel ball down the hole and it will roll down to the pressure plate. This raises the platform so you can drop down for the Orbs.
Do the same thing again for the lower hatch. Open it with a box and then freeze it open. Climb back up and open the first hatch, this time keeping it open by attaching the rope to the ring. Drop another steel ball down the hole to open the door to the right.
Before you go through the door stay here for a secret. Jump up to the lift and attach a rope to the wooden ledge on the wall. Drop down to pull it open. Freeze it to keep it open and then jump up to it from the lift.
Jump up the bars on the wall and then across to a large Orb.
Jump up to the right for a Letter for Zoya. Now drop down and head through the door.
Create a steel ball and roll across the platform. When you get near to the edge quickly create a rope bridge from the steel ball to the ring on the rock wall. Shoot an arrow up to break the branches above to lower the ledge.
Jump up and break the boxes for a Jar. Place a steel ball on the beams coming from the wall to the left and make a stone bridge between the ball and the ring. Climb up and then jump up the bars on the wall. Jump across to the right for three Orbs. Land on the swing and continue across to the right.
Pull open the hatch and drop down. Grab the orbs and use a box to jump up to the bar by the tree for a few more Orbs.
Walk to the right and flip open the next hatch. This one stays open if you open it all the way. make a steel ball and drop it down. Ride it across the pit. Attach a rope from it to the ring on the right. Ride the ball back to the left to open the hatch. Walk over the rope bridge and grab the Orbs.
Use a box to jump up to the bar and onto the ledge above. Head across to the swing. You may notice a ring under the ledge. Drop a steel ball into the pit and and pull open this hatch. Use the rope as a bridge and drop down to a cave below.
There are two glowing stones. Freeze the right swing as it’s under the right glowing stone. Place the stone on it and attach a rope between the swings to keep the first one in place. Place a box on the first one and once both glowing stones have something in front of them the rock door will slide open.
Pull out the stone blocking the way and grab the Orbs. You’ll also find a Chandelier here.
Jump back up and use a steel ball to roll across to the other side. Head to the right for a battle with Shadow creatures. Defeat them and continue to the right.
Place a steel ball into the slot and the door to the right sill slide open. Go through and pull open the hatch at the start of the poisonous plants pit for a large Jar.
Make your way across to the right. Use a box to push up the right lift and then place it on the left lift to keep it up. Jump up and then onto the ledge.
Use the ring to swing across to the left for a large Orb. Swing back and head to the right.
There is a secret in the next area. Create a steel ball and roll on it to the left. There’s a cave here with a large Orb.
Place a box in front of the plant shooting fireballs so you don’t have to worry about them. Attach a rope to the ring on the ledge and pull it up. Attach the other end to the box or the ring on the stone.
There are two glowing stones in the next section. Freeze the first platform and place a box on top of it. This slides out the second ledge. Freeze the second ledge and place a created box on top of a wooden box to reach the second glowing stone. This opens the stone door so you can continue onwards.
Jump across the leaves to the right and ride the large lift down for another big battle with Shadow creatures. When you’re done break the branches above for a few Jars.
Break the boxes to the right and the platform will lift up. Jump onto the platform to the left and jump up to the ledge for more Orbs.
Continue to the right to complete the level.
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