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The Kumquat Connection


Find the Supplier
Rescue the Supplier
Bring the Supplier back to the Red Marley

I landed at Ribcage Docks as this is closest to the Angry Woman. You can also get information from the informant on the western side of the island.

Make your way up the docks and towards the angry woman. If you have Pinkus on your team you only need to possess a soldier within range and then go and stand next to the woman.

The supplier is being held in the garrison which is heavily defended. You’ll need to use your 3 crewmates working together to make it inside.

Use the hedges in the compound to sneak around to the walkway. Take out the soldiers in the lookouts. You can then safely enter the building to grab the supplier.

You don’t need to carry the supplier all the way through the compound, instead drop him over the back wall and jump down after him.

Once the supplier is free make your way back through a tear to the Red Marley.

Next: Mission 23: Lighthouse Locutions

Back: Mission 21: Graveyard Haunt