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For most of Southern Mexico you’ll have access to a motorbike. The controls are fairly simple. Forward is accelerate and back is reverse. You can press Space to break and Interact to get on or off. To perform a slide hold Space while turning. If you hold break from a stationary position and then press accelerate and left or right you’ll do a donut. This can be used to clear out enemies around you.

There are 50 treasures in the entire Southern Mexico region and 1 Relic.

The Unnamed Days

Treasures: 9

Ride the bike forwards up the stairs and stop in the tunnel. Get off for Treasure 1/50 in one of the breakable jars on the right side.

Get back on your bike and continue forwards over the gap. Stop on the other side and break the jar for Treasure 2/50.

Continue along the path around the corner until you come to a small temple. Get off the bike, climb the steps and break the jar on the right side for Treasure 3/50.

Climb onto the half pillar and jump across to the full pillar. Jump up and climb around to the left so you can jump to the handholds on the wall.

Pull up onto the ledge, jump up twice and climb to the left. Drop down into the small window and use the Grapple on the ring. Drop out the window and rappel down a little. The gate to the right will open. Swing from left to right and jump into the gate.

On the left side of this room you’ll find Treasure 4/50 and on the right side you’ll find a Health Potion. Walk to the back of the room and pick up the Jaguar Head from the pedestal.

Go back to the right side where you picked up the health potion and chimney jump up to the room above. Drop out of the window and jump back to the beam. Drop down and watch out for the 2 Panthers.

Get back on the bike and ride around the low stone walls to the left. When you come to the stairs leading down get off your bike. Break the jar to the right of the stairs for Treasure 5/50. Turn around to the left and look towards the far wall. Run forwards and you’ll spot another jar with Treasure 6/50. Turn back around to the left and by the low wall you’ll spot a third jar with Treasure 7/50.

Get back on the bike and ride down the stairs. Continue through the tunnel, up the next set of stairs and around a dirt path until you arrive at the ruins. There is a path to the left but you don’t need to take it for now.

Instead look to the left just before the ruins and you’ll find a Health Potion and Treasure 8/50 in a jar.

As you approach the steps leading up to the ruins you’ll see 2 dead bodies and a third on the landing up the top. Just to the left of the half-open gate you’ll find a Health Potion and Treasure 9/50 in a jar. Grab them and then roll under the gate to end this section.


You now stand at one end of the Ball Court. There’s one Calendar Puzzle here and a second on the other side of the court. First place the missing Jaguar Head on the center statue.

Rotate the center beam around counter-clockwise as far as you can. The mark on the middle wheel should match the mark on the outer wheel.

Move to the statue at the back on the outer wheel and rotate it as far as you can to the left (counter-clockwise). Go back to the inner wheel and rotate it counter-clockwise until the inner and middle markings are matched up. Finally rotate the outer wheel back to the right (clockwise) until all 3 markings are in alignment.

After the cutscene of the courtyard below shifting roll back under the gate but watch out for the 2 Panthers. Take them out, get back on your bike and continue riding around to the right. Use the ramp to jump over the first pit. You can either ride up the hill on the left side or jump over the second pit.

Just before riding through the stone arch get off your bike and pick up Treasure 10/50 in the jar on the right side. When you get to the intersection stop and run down the stairs to the right. This takes you into the lower courtyard where you did the puzzle just a minute ago.

Half-way down the stairs on the right you’ll find Treasure 11/50 in a jar. At the base of the stairs you’ll find Treasure 12/50 in a jar. Do a loop around the area to find Treasure 13/50, Treasure 14/50 and Treasure 15/50 all in breakable jars. Go back out the way you came. Get on your bike and take the path directly opposite.

Ride through the tunnel and then ride up on the left side of the path.

Up the top you’ll find Treasure 16/50 in a jar by the stone wall. Continue forwards down the slope to find Treasure 17/50 in the bushes in the corner just before the paths join back together.

Continue riding along the path until you have to get off and climb up the stone steps into the tunnel. Run through the tunnel and you’ll come out to a large temple.

Stand back and watch the fight between the 5 Poachers and the 3 Panthers. You can then deal with whoever remains. On the central stone table on the lower ground you’ll find a Health Pack. On the left side under the overhang you’ll find Treasure 18/50 in a jar.

Grab the pole on the right side and take it up the steps. Drop it down and pick up Treasure 19/50 in the back left corner and Treasure 20/50 on the right side. Both in jars.

Grab the pole and place it in the stone pillar on the right side where you found the last treasure. On top of the pillar you’ll find Treasure 21/50 in a jar.

Climb up and break the jar. If you have trouble pulling up try to traverse around a bit and then pull up. Once you have it drop down and pull out the pole.

Walk to the front of the temple and place the pole in the pillar to the far left. Climb up and grab the handhold above. Traverse around to the left and jump up, then back to the pillar behind you.

Traverse around to the left and jump back to the wall. Climb to the right and jump across to the handholds to the right, then jump back to land on the beam coming out of the pillar.

Walk along the beam, jump diagonally right to another pillar and climb onto the beam. From here make your way along the beams to the handhold on the wall.

Traverse around to the right and drop down. In a dark room ahead you’ll find Treasure 22/50 in a jar. Grab the pole on the right side and climb up. Jump to the one above and then over to the pole ahead. Climb on top and walk across it to the left so you can climb up to the area above.

Turn around and jump back to the pillar with Treasure 23/50 in a jar.

Jump back again and head around to the left. Grapple onto the ring and rappel down to the ground. Look for the dark hole in the wall behind the pillar for Treasure 24/50 in a jar.

Head into the room behind it and climb up the stone ledge. Jump to the corner stone ledge and break the jar for Treasure 25/50. Climb up to the higher platform and grapple onto the ring on the other side. Walk to the right and use the action button to push the rock cube off the pillar.

It will go crashing through the floor and leave a hole. Kill the bats that fly out and then drop down to the floor below. Climb down through the hole on the side closest to the pillar.

Drop down to the lower handholds and then jump back to the stone pole. Slide down to the floor below. First climb up the stone blocks to the alcove where you’ll find the Stone Headdress. When you grab it Spiders will swarm out from below.

Jump back down to the ground and climb up the broken stone pillar. Stand on top and jump to the handhold on the wall. Traverse around to the left until you can pull up for Treasure 26/50 in a jar.

Drop down to the ground and climb up the larger stone pole. Jump to the handhold on the wall and climb all the way around to the left. Keep climbing until you can jump back to a stone pole hanging down. Jump across to the wall behind it and jump up. Traverse over to the left and climb back out the way you came down.

Look around to find two large stone blocks blocking the entrance. One of them has a gap at the top. Jump up and crawl through. Once you drop down outside 4 Poachers will be waiting for you. Take them out and head back to your bike.

Ride back to the intersection and take a left. Follow the path over a pit and around a few bends until you come to the outside of the other side of the large stadium. There are a few Panthers along the way but you can just ignore them if you want.

Get off your bike and take out the 3 Poachers and Panther. Once they’ve been dealt with you’ll want to move your bike and leave it under the hole in the wall on the right side.

Turn the bike around so it faces away from the hole. You’ll need it ready for a timed exit at the end of this section.

Climb up on the left side to where the Poachers where standing and break the jar on the left for Treasure 27/50. Drag the stone block until it’s under the spot for the pole and place the pole inside. Hang off it to lower the pole down and lift up the gate.

Quickly drop off and roll under the gate before it closes. Once inside break the jar to the far right for the Treasure 28/50.

Walk over to the calendar puzzle and place the Stone Headdress in the receptacle on the ground. This activates the puzzle. Go through the steps as you did for the first puzzle to line up the three symbols.

The courtyard below will shift and a secret entrance will appear. Quickly jump through the hole in the wall and get on your bike. Ride back along the path, watching out for the pit and panthers along the way. Take a left into the stadium/courtyard and drive down the steps to the entrance before it closes.

The Midgard Serpent

Get on your bike and ride through the passage to the left. Ride down the stairs and around the corner to the left, right, right and stop at the fourth corner. Break the jar for Treasure 29/50 and ride down the stairs.

Ride over the ramps to jump the first and second pit, then stop before the third. The ramp hasn’t been lifted up so you can’t jump the third pit yet.

Get off the bike and grab the Health Potion on the left side. Climb onto the pole and chimney jump off the wall to the higher pole. Jump to grab the handhold on the wall and it will lower down as the third ramp lifts up. Watch out for the 3 Giant Spiders that emerge from the pits, 2 from behind and one in front of you.

Get on your bike and jump the final pit. Stop at the second corner for a Health Potion if you want and then carry on down the stairs. Stop at the base of the stairs for another Health Potion. Head out through the exit of the tunnel into a large room.

Lords of Xibabla Statue Room

First clear out the Spiders and Giant Spiders. Grab the Scepter in front of one of the statues and place it in the statue’s hand. Climb up the only full set of stairs and you’ll find another scepter. Bring it down and place it into the hand of the only statue with a scepter. The stone circle in the center will lift up to form a stone table.

There are numerous Health Potions dotted around this room. Hunt around to find them if you wish. To the left of where you came in you’ll find Treasure 30/50 in a jar in the corner.

Just above the entrance you’ll find an alcove with Treasure 31/50. To get up to it climb the wall just to the right (when looking into the room) of the entrance. Climb over the entrance to the right, up and then left to the alcove for the treasure.

Climb back down and head towards the statues. Each of the statues with horizontal scepters can be turned around to open a door. Turn each of the four statues around to open the four outer doors.

Rattling House

Climb up the intact staircase in the far right corner. The one that had the scepter. Head down the corridor and run past the stone crushers. On the other side you’ll find the Rattling House Key on a pedestal.

Turn around and wait for the Giant Spiders to get crushed. Grapple onto the stone block in the alcove above the entrance and pull it down. Pull it towards you and use it to get up onto either side of the crushing blocks. Run along the top and jump into the alcove for Treasure 32/50.

Drop down and roll away before getting crushed. Head back out to the main room and take out more Spiders.

Flame House

Climb back up the stairs and stand on the left side while looking out into the room. From here jump to the beam sticking out and then to the pillar.

Traverse around to the left, climb up and jump to the stone pillar. Jump to the handholds on the wall and climb around to the right. Jump to the pole and swing to the next pole. Pull up and jump to the handholds on the wall.

Climb around to the right and jump back to the thin stone pillar. Jump across to the next stone column and traverse to the left. Pull up and make your way across the poles to the next column.

Traverse around to the left side of the column, jump back to the beam and then to the entrance with the broken staircase. Break the jars on either side of the entrance for Treasure 33/50 and Treasure 34/50. Just inside and to the left you’ll find a jar with Treasure 35/50.

Walk past the first flames on the left and pull up onto the pole. Turn around and swing to the next pole. You’ll see Treasure 36/50 up in an alcove.

Jump over to it, pull up and grab it. Drop back down to the floor.

Walk past the first flamer and grab the pole. Pull up and jump diagonally to the left to the next pole. Either jump off to the right if you don’t have the time or pull up. Jump up to grab the pole above. Climb on top of it and wait for the flames to disperse.

Jump to the next pole and swing to the other side of the room. Grab the Flame House Key from the pedestal.

To get out of this room climb onto the pole on the left side. Jump to grab the one above and climb onto it. Walk to the right and jump diagonally across to the short pole on the right wall. From here jump or swan dive past the last of the flames and head back out to the main room.

Jaguar House

Find the wall opposite the entrance and grapple up to the ring above. Climb up and grab the Health Potion. Jump to the stone ledge to the left and slide down. Jump to grab the entrance to the Jaguar House before you slide off completely. Pull up and smash the jar for Treasure 37/50.

Head inside and crawl through the gap in the stones. Just to the right you’ll find Treasure 38/50. On the ledge with the pedestal you’ll find Treasure 39/50 in a jar and a Health Potion. Grab them and then grab the Jaguar House Key from the pedestal.

Before leaving we’ll grab one more secret. Turn around and climb up the rock ledges on the right side. Take a sprinting jump to grab the edge of the alcove ahead. You will need to sprint and jump or you won’t reach it.

Pull up, grab Treasure 40/50 and then drop down. Head back to the steps where you’ll be greeted by a Giant Spider. Drop down and finish off any other spiders.

Razor House

On the left side of the room when you come in you’ll find a low platform with four columns. Behind them is a narrow alcove that you can chimney jump. Make your way up to the thin ledge halfway up on the right side. Pull up and jump to the handholds on the other side.

Climb up and shimmy around to the left so your back as to the center of the room and then jump to the handholds on the right side. Climb around to the right and jump across the gap to the handholds further to the right. Climb up and to the right until you can jump to the thin stone pillar. Climb up and jump across to the stone ledge with Treasure 41/50.

Turn around and jump back to the thin pillar. Climb on top of it and jump to the next two tall pillars. Jump to a third half pillar and then across to the column.

Traverse all the way around to the other side and jump up to the bars. Monkey swing across and drop down to grab the ledge on the other pillar. Climb around to the right, pull up and jump to the beam. Finally jump to the entrance of the Razor House.

Enter this room and get ready for a trap. Roll past the first set of spears and duck down. You can dodge out of the way but it’s safest just to wait for the blades to pass.

Do this once more with the second set of spears and then roll past the third set so you can grab the Razor House Key.

Grab the Health Potion to the right and then climb up the wall on the left side. Climb up and to the left until you can drop onto the top of the razor. Jump to the second razor to the left and third razor to the right.

Pull up, jump to the fourth razor and then to the alcove where you’ll find Treasure 42/50.

Drop down and head back to the main room. Drop down from the broken stairs and clear out any remaining spiders.

Opening the Entrance

Now that you have all of the keys place the four House Keys in the slots on the center table. This unlocks each of the four statues with the horizontal scepters. Push them all towards the center table.

Jump on the bike and place it on one of the pressure plates. Leave it there and stand on the other pressure plate. The entrance to Midgard will open.

The Long Tunnel

Get back on your bike and ride down the ramp. Make your way down the long tunnel. When you get to the stairs leading up stop and break the jar on the left side for Treasure 43/50.

Take a run up and ride over the stone ramp on the left side. Stop and break the jar on the other side for Treasure 44/50.

Get back on your bike and continue around the tunnel. You’ll have to stop at a place where stones have collapsed onto the tunnel. Pick up the Xibalba Key just to the left of the skull. You’ll need it later.

Climb up to the hole in the rocks and crawl through. On the other side to the left is another jar with Treasure 45/50.

As you run forwards a cutscene will begin. After the cutscene turn around and break the jar at the base of the stairs for Treasure 46/50. Turn back and head down the stairs towards the pool for another cutscene.

Midgard Serpent Pool

Grab the Health Potion by the pool and make your way around to the right. You’ll be attacked by a Cat Thrall and then a Human Thrall. To kill them permanently you’ll need to knock them down and then use Action on them to stomp on them and disperse their bones. You can also knock them into the pool. Melee attacks are also quite effective on them.

Jump over the stream and continue making your way around. You’ll be attacked by 6 Human Thralls. If you go slowly you may be able to kill them one at a time. Continue around to face one more Thrall. Then climb up the rock ledge on the left side. From here you can jump to grab the pole coming out of the serpent’s nose.

This stops the flow of water and the lowers the level of the pool. Do not grapple onto the ring under the serpent’s mouth or the pool will fill back up again.

Pull up onto the bar and jump back to the ledge where you came from. Climb up the rocks to the left and grab the handhold on the wall. Traverse to the left and jump back to the ledge.

Climb off the edge towards the pull and drop down onto the lower handhold. Jump to the left, drop down and then jump back to the right.

Traverse around to the right as the handholds begin to crumble. Jump to the right and then to the safety of the stone block.

Climb up to the highest stone and then up to the beam above. Walk across it and then jump or cartwheel as the center begins to crumble. Jump to the next beam and then over to the stone below.

Head around to the right with guns drawn and take out 2 Human Thralls. Jump to the handhold on the column at the end of this platform.

Traverse around to the left, pull up and chimney jump to the higher handhold on the next column. Traverse to the left and jump back to land on the beam.

Make your way along the beam and drop down to the next stone platform. Climb onto the fallen stone column and grab the Health Potion.

Run to the end and swing across to the other side. Turn around and use the grapple to pull back Thor’s shield.

Jump to the shield and traverse across to the left. Jump back to the column and climb around to the left until you can drop onto the platform. Kill the Thralls and then pick up Treasure 47/50 and a health pack on the right side.

Climb onto the low rock between the first and second columns then onto the handholds on the second column. Jump up and then jump out to the bar in the nose of the second serpent. This lowers the pool down even further.

Jump back the way you came, hang off the edge, climb to the right and drop down under the serpent statue. Jump across to the center platform and kill the 2 Human Thralls.

For the final secret for this area find the stone blocks in the corner and jump to them. You’ll find Treasure 48/50 on top of the second stone block.

Grab it and then jump back to the center. Grapple onto the center drill statue and run around clockwise. Pull it around and the large statue of Thor will open up.

Find the column with the handhold and climb up for a Health Potion. Turn around and jump to the stairs leading into the Thor Statue. Pull up and enter to end this section.

Land of the Dead

Drop down to the center platform and grapple onto the screw statue. Spin it around the other way until Thor lowers his head.

The pillar next to the screw will glow when you get near to it. Push it as close to the edge of the pool as you can, then climb back up the column with the handhold. Pull up and use the grapple to swing over to the column with the handholds.

Climb to the left and drop onto the ledge. Head around to the right and jump to the handholds on the wall. Climb up and to the right until you can jump to the rocks under the beam. Jump up to the beam and climb across to the next stone platform.

When you drop down you’ll be attacked by 2 Human Thralls. Climb onto the fallen column on the right and then across to the top of the column in the pool. This is the one you moved earlier.

Jump to the top of the next column and then over to Thor’s hammer. Climb up and grab Relic 1/1 from Thor’s eye.

From here turn around and jump out into the pool using the grapple on the ring on the right side. When you do the pool will begin to fill up. Climb up a little and swing to the handholds on the column on the other side. Climb out and you’ll be be back at the entrance of the pool.

Before you leave run to the right and pull the stone block out from the corner. Behind it you’ll find Treasure 49/50 and Treasure 50/50.

Leave the room and head up the stairs. Climb over the rocks blocking the passage and get back on your bike. Ride the back up the stairs and get off. Push the stone block on the left side forwards so you can get your bike through and keep going.

When you get back out to the statue room you’ll be attacked by 3 Giant Spiders. You can get off your bike to deal with them if you want or do donuts by pressing break, accelerate and left or right.

As you spin around you’ll hit and kill the spiders. Ride into the next passage and continue along the corridor. Make your way over the two pits and stop before the third.

The third ramp has lowered so pull up onto the pole to the right and jump up to the pole above. Jump across to the pole on the other side of the passage, climb up and then jump to grab the handhold on the column. When this lowers the ramp will lift up.

Get back on your bike and jump across. Head up the stairs and into the starting room. Place the Xibalba Key on the statue by the switch and pull the switch. The exit will open. Get up a bit of speed and ride over the pit. Continue up the ramp to complete this level.

Back: Level 3 Croft Manor          Next: Level 5: Jan Mayen Island