Level 5: The Long Way to Town
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Swing over the wagon for Experience, then pull out the next wagon to grab the Experience underneath. Box on top of the wagon and jump up for another 2 x Experience.
Continue to the right for a battle with 3 Mechanical Knights and a Drone. Drop down and break the boxes for Experience.
Checkpoint 1
Use a box to knock the panel down on the other side and then make a rope bridge across the gap. Drop down on the other side and break the boards on the side of the tower for Experience.
Jump across the gap and land on the ledge behind the trees for a secret.
Jump up the platforms for 3 x Experience, then drop down for one Experience.
Move the stone down and charge into it to break the breakable wall. Do it once more down below and break the boards for Experience.
Checkpoint 2
Charge the stone into the breakable wall to the left for a secret. Jump across the spike pit into the cave for 3 x Experience in breakable boxes.
Jump back and climb across the spike pit to the right. Break the boards at the end for 2 x Experience. Have Zoya rope down for the Experience and then jump into the cave under the spikes.
Grab the Experience and pull the lever to lift up a small platform. Open the golden chest for Letter #2.
To get to the large Experience conjure a box and jump up to grab the grab pole. This lowers the wall to the experience. Stay holding on while you switch to Zoya and shoot the rope holding the experience. Then use the box to knock the experience out of the small alcove so you can pick it up.
Have Zoya swing back up to the platform wheel. Smash down on one of them so it swings around and grab the 2 x Experience above.
Place a plank over the raging river and grab the Experience. Drop the box stuck on the spikes and stick your own box there so Zoya can swing across to the leaf for the Experience. Swing up to the moving platform for a second Experience.
Grab a third Experience by the grab pole to the right and then climb up. Break the boards in the wooden house for 2 x Experience.
Bounce up to the ledges above and climb up the grab poles on the wall. Up the top you’ll find 2 x Experience.
Checkpoint 3
Place a plank between the wooden posts or on the right side of it and bridge across the raging river.
On the other side shoot an arrow through the flames to light the barrel of explosives. This blows up the wall so you can get through.
Place a plank down on the other side so you can get across the river. Charge into the ram and jump up the platforms for 2 x Experience.
Checkpoint 3
Watch out for the Giant Clockwork Knight. Stomp down on it once it gets close enough and it will lose its shield.
After that you can attack it as you would any other enemy. Once it’s defeated pull the lever to make an explosive barrel appear. Set it on fire and lift it up to the breakable wall. Jump up for 2 x Experience.
For the next puzzle first break the boards. Then set a plank above the fire to break the waterfall. Light the explosive barrel and lift it up to the breakable wall above.
Use a barrel to climb up to the checkpoint.
Checkpoint 4
Swing up the cavern, grabbing the 2 x Experience along the way. Up the top remove the wooden plank from the spikes and spin it around so you can use it to climb up.
Break the boards to the right for a boulder and 2 x Experience. Bounce the boulder up to break the breakable wall. Set a box on top of it and jump up to the grab pole.
Pull down the box above for Experience and climb up. Stomp the ground to make the Experience on the post fall down and continue to the camp site to the right.
Checkpoint 5
At this point Pontius will go off on his own for a bit. Stomp the ground to make the Experience on the tree branch fall down.
Jump and dash across the stream. There’s Experience on the other side. Stomp the ground to make a box fall down and then charge it across the river. Climb across the grab pole and use the box to get up the other side for Experience.
Jump back to the left and over the low wall. On the other side you’ll find 2 x Experience. Jump back the way you came and bounce up to the checkpoint.
Checkpoint 6
Grab the Experience in the breakable box and grab the pole under the platform to ride it across to the right for Experience. Jump on top of the moving platform to find 3 x Experience above it.
Drop down the platform and you’ll find one Experience along the way. Break the boards below to release the boulders. Ride one across to the right, breaking the boards along the way.
Break the boards on the top part of the ramp, grab the Experience to the right and then use the lower part of the ramp to smash the boulder up to the ledge.
Smash it back across to the right to destroy the breakable wall. On the other side you’ll find 2 x Experience.
Checkpoint 7
Walk to the right to find a golden chest with the Sword Throw ability. Practice it a couple of times to get up the cliffs and you’ll find Experience at the top.
Jump across the moving platform under the plant spitters. There’s Experience on the other side. Jump and use the Sword Throw to get up the next cliff.
Climb up and use the sword on the rock cliff to the left. Bounce up to the Experience above. Climb up to the top of the cliff for another 2 x Experience.
Checkpoint 8
Dash across the spike pit and use the Sword Throw to break the boards across the gap. Use the Sword in the small house to bounce up to the Experience and grab pole. Look to the right and use the sword to break the rope. This lowers the ramp so you can get out.
Checkpoint 9
Back at camp head to the right and throw the sword at the tree. Have Zoya dangle from it and get off on the right.
Deflect a fireball to destroy the wall on the left and jump across. This room seems quite tricky but you can place a sword high in the wall on the left and a box on the ground.
Rope bridge between them and use that to grab the 3 x Experience and the Straw Hat.
Jump back across the gap and break the roots in the roof of the cavern for 2 x Experience. Bridge or dash across the spike pit and then charge the Mechanical Knight into the abyss.
Box up to the 2 x Experience above, Place a rope bridge from the box to a sword in the wooden board on the left and jump up to the checkpoint.
Checkpoint 10
First destroy the 5 or 6 Drones then box up to the ledge above for 2 x Experience in breakable boxes.
Remove the wooden plank from the hole in the wall and use it to dash across the conveyor and through the wall, picking up the Experience along the way.
Grab the Experience just beyond the other side of the conveyor and jump up to the platform above with another Experience.
Place a plank on the spikes so you can walk across it and deflect a fireball into the explosive barrel.
This blows up the generator and stops the conveyor. Grab the Experience on the other side.
Checkpoint 11
Pull out the drawer for 2 x Experience. Then pull the lever to open the bars. Drop down, jump over the moving blades and break the boards on the other side so you can jump up.
Place a high sword in the wall so you can bounce up for the Experience and to get up to the chain bridge above.
Break the boards for 3 x Experience and open the chest for Tidbit #2.
Jump across to the hanging box for 2 x Experience. Drop down for the next puzzle. Place a sword in the wall and attach a rope to a box to make a bridge about half way along the conveyor.
Pull the lever to turn on the conveyor and open the gate. Jump across to the box and then through the gate.
Checkpoint 12
Break the roots on the rock wall and then plank over the gap so you can grab the Experience. Swing up to the box and grab the 2 x Experience above it.
Use the box on a chain and another box to reach the 2 x Experience above the crane.
As you run to the right you’ll be attacked by more Mechanical Knights. Take them out and then place the gear on the post to turn the platform so you can get past.
Checkpoint 13
Use the revolving platform to get up to the higher ledge. Jump up to the high Experience in the air and then the Experience on the ledge.
Bridge across to the 2 x Experience by the barn and drop down for another Experience along the way.
Pull out the cart and go inside. Grab the 2 x Experience dangling on the ropes and box up to the Experience in the breakable box above.
Head out the window and across the rooftops. To get past the gear room place the large gear on the left slot.
Once inside place the large gear above and the small gear to the right.
Checkpoint 14
Grab the Experience in the breakable box. Jump up to the 2 Mechanical Knights on the ledge and take them out.
Place a box under the ledge so you can grab the 3 x Experience. Jump back to the left use the wheel to get up to the grab pole. Use the ring to swing up to the 2 x Experience and drop back onto the ledge.
The scarecrow puzzle can be completed by placing the right heads on the bodies. The tan hat goes on the left, the witch hat on the center and the skinny pumpkin head on the right.
Once you get the combination correct 3 x Experience will fall from the sky.
For the next puzzle place a box on the ground to the right of the ring. Attach a rope to it and drop it in the river to make a bridge. Walk across it and sword throw into the button. This opens the bars above.
Break the box for Experience and jump across to the Sword for Experience. Stand on the sword and move the box to place where the breakable box was. Rope bridge from the box to the sword and jump up to get out and grab the Experience along the way.
Checkpoint 15
Run past the man crying out about the Trine heroes and you’ll enter a battle scene. Take out the Mechanical Knights in the bar then grab the 2 x Experience in the ceiling on the left and the Experience in the box on the right.
Head out through the window below. Deflect the water in the pipe to put out the fire. The young horse will kick open the gate, revealing 2 x Experience.
Run through for a cutscene and to end the level.
Next: Level 6: Sinister Back Alleys
Back: Level 4: The Astral Academy Gardens