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Baphomets Demesne

Secrets: 4

The Sigil levels are quite short but difficult. The “Sigils” are the evil eyes located throughout the levels. Shoot them to reveal new areas or activate bridges.

From the Start (S) walk forwards to grab the Shotgun. Take out the Imps and Specter.

Shoot the sigil to open the wall and reveal the next room. Clear out the enemies and then shoot the next Sigil.

This lifts up the next bridge and also a step near the entrance of this room so you can get up to the secret on the west side.

Walk along the thin ledge to Secret #1 with a SoulSphere. Continue along the thin ledge around the lava pool to Secret #2.

This leads up to a Radiation Suit. Grab it and drop into the lava. Run through the lava passage to the left. At the end of it you’ll find a Chaingun for Secret #3.

Quickly run back through the passage and clear out the Imps in the lava pool before the Radiation Suit runs out. Grab the Computer Map (Secret #4) to the south and then hit the button on the side of one of the bridges to ride the lift back up.

Turn around and shoot the Sigil if you haven’t already. Then follow the bridge along to the wooden door. Push the button to ride the lift up, clear out the enemies and then touch the Baphomet Wall to Exit.

Next: Level 2: Sheol

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