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Abaddon’s Void

Secrets: 3

You start (S) on a small island to the south. There are three buildings in front of you and another two behind those.

There are 2 Cyberdemons on the map. I’ve marked them with a C. Later on you can step on the teleporters just to the north of them to telefrag them. Until then you’ll need to stay out of range of their rockets.

Secret #1 is in the south side of the center building. Press on the wall to open it for some shotgun shells and health.

To make progress go through the center of the building and hug the wall around to the right. You’ll find a Skull Button by a blue and red wall.

Press the button to open up a wall in the tunnel in the first building you went through. Go through and ride the lift up. Dash across to the other side of the building. Open up the wall at the end for Secret #2 with the Plasma Gun.

Go across the thin bridge. You may notice a box of rockets lowering on a small pillar. Drop down and grab them if you want. Then head back around and cross the thin bridge to the eastern building.

This appears to be a dead end but you can drop down on the right side. Press the Lion Button to lower some of the walls around you. Press on the silver button to open up the next wall. There’s some loot behind it.

Hit the next button to lower down more walls and release a few Cacodemons. Take them out and then press on the silver pressure plate again. This should open a wall so you can get out to he stairs.

Go up and turn around to the left for the Mega Armor. Go back around to the right and drop down to the starting area.

Go back into the center building and up the lift like before. Dash across the gap and head outside. This time turn immediately to your left. A wall will have been removed so you can run across the thin ledge with health bonuses.

Follow the path around to the west and you’ll enter the western building. Without falling down hit the Skull Button on the other side of the room. This lowers the platform behind the bars and releases Imps from behind you.

Take them all out then grab the Rocket Launcher from behind the bars. Look through the bars to the other side of the room and shoot the Sigil. This opens up a wall next to the Rocket Launcher.

Grab the Berserk Pack and head down the stairs into the blood river. Follow it along as the walls lower and more enemies are released.

At the end of it you’ll find the Blue Key and a teleporter out of there. Take the teleporter up to a ledge on the side of the building and drop down so you can enter the Blue Door to the building in the north.

Clear out the enemies, including the Baron of Hell protecting the Yellow Key. To get into the cage you’ll need to step into the teleporter to your right as you enter.

Take the teleporter out and leave the building. Quickly run to the east and take the small entrance to the next building.

Use the Yellow Key to open the door. Step further into the room to reveal a Skull Button and press it to lower down a lift. You may want to clear out the enemies before riding the lift up.

Grab the health pack and another Skull Button will be revealed.

Push the button and ride the lift down. More walls will have opened up. Clear out the enemies below. Then press the Skull Button down here to ride the lift back up. Another wall will have opened on the top level. Yes, there’s lots of going back and forth in this level.

Make your way around the thin ledge and clear out the enemies in the new room. If you don’t care about getting all the kills or secrets drop down the steps and take the Exit.

Leave the building and sneak around the back of the buildings to find the teleporters just to the north of the Cyberdemons. Stand on them to telefrag them.

With the Cyberdemons out of the way you’ll be free to explore the map and find any remaining items or secrets.

For the final secret you’ll need to dash across the lava to the west side of the western building. You’ll see an opening with the Soul Sphere inside. Grab it for Secret #3.

When you’re done return to the Exit to progress to the next level.

Next: Level 6: Unspeakable Persecution

Back: Level 4: Paths of Wretchedness