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Unspeakable Persecution

Secrets: 3

This is the map that leads to the secret level. You begin in a dark room. As you step forwards you’ll be attacked by Lost Souls with a couple of Specters teleporting into the room.

Head around to the right (west) and you’ll find a Plasma Gun. From here you can look down to a circular cavern.

Don’t drop down yet. Once you do the room will go dark and Cacodemons will be alerted to your presence.

Take out the Demons below first and then drop down and quickly find shelter by the central column. Hug the wall and head around the column on the left to the south side for Secret #1 where you’ll find a cell pack.

Then follow the wall around to the other side and hit the demon button. Go back to the left and hit the second button that appears. You’ll then be able to ride the lift up in the center of the column.

Deal with the Cacodemons and run across the bridge. Follow the tunnel around to another dark room.

Step forwards and the cage will open with 3 Barons of Hell. They may teleport out to a lower section to the south.

Walk around to the left side of the cage and turn to the left. You may notice just a slither of light under the wall. Open it for Secret #2 with a BFG.

Continue around to the left behind the secret room and hit the Button. Hit the Sigil on the way back, then head around to the right side of the cage.

You’ll find the Red Key around to the right but watch out for the Barons of Hell that teleported down below on the right.

Run around to the other side and the path should now be open to take the steps down to the Radiation Suit. This is where the Barons of Hell teleported to so get ready to take them out.

Move quickly to the red barriers and press on them one at a time until they’re all lowered. Step on top of them to open the wall next to them for Secret #3.

Inside you’ll find an Invulnerability Sphere. Grab it then head back through the red barriers and push the Button. This lowers a lift down into a circular chamber.

Deal with the Imps on the raised ledges and then wait for the room with the Chainsaw and the passage next to it to open up.

Go through the passage and when you pick up the box of rockets the wall to the left will open revealing a Baron of Hell. Go through to pick up the health and come back out. A side wall will lower down revealing another room.

Go through the teleporter which takes you back to the start of the level. From the starting position a passage will have opened up to your left (east).

Go through to find a Berserk Pack and a large square cavern with a Cyberdemon inside. The cavern is a little bit like a maze. Run around to the southeast corner to find a teleporter. This takes you to the walkways above.

You’ll be going through a series of teleporters on the walkways as you make your way closer and closer to the center cage with the Baron of Hell.

Luckily the Cyberdemon will have trouble targeting you from below. This gives you a good opportunity to take it out from above with the BFG.

You’ll need to go through something like 4 teleporters before dashing across to another walkway. Take another 3 teleporters to appear in the back cave.

Take the teleporter to enter the center cage. Just watch out for another Baron of Hell that teleports in with you. Grab the Soul Sphere and go through the teleporter.

The teleporter in the cage takes you back to the start of the level.

Secret Level

To get to the secret level take the teleporter up to the walkways. This time take 6 teleporters once on the walkways. Look to the outer wall and you should see a sigil.

Teleport to the back cave and you’ll notice a wall has opened revealing a teleporter pad. Step on it to go to the secret level.

Next: Level 9: Realm of Iblis (Secret Level)

Back: Level 5: Abaddon’s Void