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Nightmare Underworld

Secrets: 6

You start on the eastern side of the map. Walk forwards, left and left again and Shotgunners will teleport into the narrow corridors. Clear them out first then go back to the start. A Cacodemon should float about from behind the bars to the left.

For Secret #1 from the starting position turn to the north and open the wall in front of you. It just has some shotgun shells and a button. Press the button to lower a lift behind you.

Ride it down for Secret #2 where you’ll find a Soul Sphere.

Head back up and take the dark path down to the east. This leads around to a teleporter. Once you teleport turn around and step forwards. The walls will open and you’ll be confronted by a couple of Shotgunners.

You’ll be on the eastern side of the central building, overlooking the walkways. Take out the enemies on the walkways and then drop down into the room below.

Clear out the Imps and Cacodemons, then shoot the Sigil to reveal a button. Press the button to open a path through the ruined wall.

Make your way through the narrow tunnel and at the first corner turn around. You should spot Secret #3 with Armor and shotgun shells.

Continue down the narrow passage until you come out to an open area.

To the right is a Red Key guarded by a Cyberdemon and to the left is a secret. We’ll go to the left first. Climb up the steps on the side of the cliff.

Go all the way to the top to clear out the enemies, then turn back. You should see a gap in the wall. You should be facing west. Follow the thin ledge around into a cave.

Head to the end of the cave to find a Backpack. This is Secret #4. Go back and ride the lift in the wall back up. It lowers when you get close to it. Drop down very carefully onto the ledge below you and follow the thin ledge around to Secret #5 with a box of rockets.

Drop down and go through the wall as it lowers this time and you’ll be back by the side of the cliff. Climb up the cliff and follow the path around the right side for a BFG. The path to the left leads to the red door but you don’t have the key yet.

Drop back down and continue around to the right. Be very careful when grabbing the Red Key. A Cyberdemon will spawn in.

First walk past the Red Key without picking it up. Take the teleporter on the right back to an earlier room and grab the Mega Armor in the alcove that has opened up.

You’ll need to make your way back down the passage to the outside area. Pick up the Red Key and run forwards, past the teleporter and across the lava to the green armor.

Take a right and grab the Invulnerability Sphere. Go back and head past the button to Secret #6. The wall will take forever to lower so run back to the Cyberdemon and kill it with the BFG while you’re still invincible.

Then run back to the secret you triggered past the green armor. Follow the long passage around to the Computer Area Map and Soul Sphere. This is Secret #6.

Run back over the lava. You probably don’t have time to do it all while invulnerable but at least you picked up a Soul Sphere.

Go back up the cliff and to the Red Door. Now you have the Red Key you can open it.

Make your way through the dark corridors to the button. When you get close to it the wall behind you will open up.

Take out the Demons and Lost Souls and then press the Button. This opens up a wall leading to stairs down to another room. Clear out the enemies, including the Cacodemons that rise up from the center, and then hit the Sigil.

The far wall opens up with Imps and Shotgunners. Try to take out the Shotgunners immediately.

Go down the steps by the back wall to a lava filled room. As you walk along the thin walkway Cacodemons will attack from both sides. Run back to safety if you want.

On the thin walkway turn back and shoot the Sigil. The far wall will open revealing a Baron of Hell. Once again retreat if you need to as you won’t be able to dodge on the thin walkway.

Walk to the end of the walkway again and hit the next Sigil. The next wall opens, revealing Shotgunners. Take them out and head up the stairs. You’ll be on a ledge above the lava river.

Follow it around to the left to the first fortification. There are three fortifications, each of them will teleport you to another room when you step through it.

The first one teleports you into a room with dozens of Shotgunners. You can take them out from below before stepping through the fortification.

The second fortification takes you to the room with the hole in the middle. More Cacodemons will rise up from the center. Take them out and go through the teleporter back to the second fortification.

The third fortification takes you to a new room with a Shotgunner and Demons.

Take the steps down and walk forwards. The walls around you will open up. Clear out the Barons of Hell and enter the dark room.

Shoot the Sigil and wait for the very thin path to raise up. Luckily you shouldn’t get attacked while traversing it.

You’ll enter a very narrow maze with Lost Souls. Navigate your way around until you come out on the west side. Push the button and ride the lift up.

Four Cacodemons will attack from the lava pool to the left so you may want to drop back down to the right.

You don’t need to go back through the maze. Just push the button and ride the lift up. Take the teleporter back to the third fortification and continue along the path.

You’ll be at a very narrow crevice with Cacodemons and Lost Souls attacking from alcoves on the sides.

There may be some goodies in the alcoves if you want to explore them. At the other side turn to the left to see the Yellow Key and Yellow Door.

To reach the Yellow Key you’ll need to drop down from above. Wait for the platform to lift up and walk back. Head up the stairs again and go through the Yellow Door.

Take out the final Baron of Hell and head to the Exit.

Next: Level 8: Halls of Perdition

Back: Level 9: Realm of Iblis (Secret Level)