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Realm of Iblis

Secrets: 4

From the start you’ll be surrounded by enemies on all sides who will attack once you make a move.

You’ll notice the Yellow Key on an island in the cage to the left. We’ll get to it later. For now clear out the starting area.

There are 3 paths to take, the lava room to the west, the room to the east and the stairs down the southeast. They each lead to a key.

Go to the east first so you can pick up the Red Key. Watch out for the Cacodemons guarding the key.

For Secret #1 stand at the top of the stairs leading to the southeast. Carefully make your way around the thin ledge on the side of the cage.

This leads to a small room with a Plasma Gun and energy cells.

Head back out and now enter the lava room to the west. Grab the Berserk Pack and either quickly retreat or enter the side room to the left with the Radiation Suit.

Let the enemies in fight or clear them out yourself, then grab the Blue Key on the western side of the lava room.

Next take the stairs down to the southeast.

Watch out for the slow crushers as you make your way to the next room. Clear out the Imps on the platform and the Demons and Specters below.

Go through the cave on the eastern side for a rocket and shotgun shells. You’ll notice a Soul Sphere behind the bars. That’s the second secret and we’ll get to it in a minute.

For now go through the cave to the south and hit the Button. This lowers the lift on the building behind you. Ride it up. This triggers a wall to open just by the button. Quickly drop down and run through the cave to Secret #2 and a Soul Sphere.

Ride the lift up again and this time go through the Red Door. Take out the enemies and dash across to the raised platform. Dash across again to the entrance to a cave in the northwest of the room.

Ride the lift up and you’ll be in the upper section of the eastern room with the Red Key. Follow the thin walkway around and shoot the Sigil.

Go back the way you came and drop back into the eastern room. Try to land on the walls so you can dash across to the passage that has just opened up in the northeast corner.

Follow the passage around to a fortress with a Cyberdemon inside. Take out the smaller enemies first and then use the blue key to open the blue door.

I like to take out the Cyberdemon from the front entrance. A little bit of dodging and a few BFG shots should do the trick.

You can dodge past him if you want but I like to go for all kills on each map. Push the button on the left as you enter and ride the lift up.

Run along the top of the battlements around to the other side and push the button to open the wall in the opposite corner.

Standing in the back right corner of the battlements you should be able to see a sigil in the wall and a Radiation Suit down below.

Shoot the sigil and grab the Radiation Suit. Enter the passage to the north that has opened up. This is Secret #3 and has a Soul Sphere and a few other goodies.

Take the teleporter out to the starting area. Press the buttons on the platform to the northwest of the lava room. This lifts up platforms to the Yellow Key. Run around and grab it.

Turn to the south and run into the cave for Secret #4 with a box of rockets and health. Head back and go up the lava steps to the yellow door in the northwest corner of the lava room.

Clear out the enemies in this room. At some point the walls will lower down. Press the button to lower down the final wall. Finish off the enemies and take the Exit to the next level.

Next: Level 7: Nightmare Underworld

Back: Level 6: Unspeakable Persecution