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The Earth Base

Secrets: 7

You begin on the map location with the green S. From there you can move forwards and open Secret #1, the UAC bulkhead with a Berserk Pack behind it.

The Shotgun can be found off in a small room to the south which also overlooks the Computer Map and Blue Key. You’ll pick them up later.

For now make your way around to the Red Door and Blue Door. Neither can be opened just yet. In between them you’ll find Secret #2 behind a white UAC crate. Inside you’ll find 2 Imps and some Armor Bonuses. Another secret lies behind this one but you’ll trigger it later.

As you head up the stairs to the north watch out for the Chaingunners in the small room on the right.

Pull the switch from down below and it will open up Secret #3 on the far eastern wall. Inside you’ll find Armor and Health bonuses as well as Shotgun Shells.

The other side of the switch lowers the bars protecting the Red Key (R).

Drop down and go through the red door. If you look through the first window on the right you’ll be able to see the Blue Key but we can’t grab it yet.

Just to the left after entering through the red door you’ll see a switch by a Yellow Door. Hit the switch to open up Secret #4 inside Secret #2. You can see the wall open through the low window.

Inside you’ll find a teleporter that takes you to the room with the Chaingunners. You can of course grab the Chaingun for yourself.

Head out and continue forwards to the open courtyard on the southern edge of the map. Clear out the enemies if you haven’t already. There’s a yellow button on the western side. We’ll get to that later. Instead take the path north to the room with the Blue Key (B).

To get to the Computer Map open up the panel on the northern wall just before the room with the blue key.

Inside is a button that lowers the map. This is Secret #5 Grab it and then open the half open door from this side. You can run straight ahead from here to the Blue Door.

Go through the Blue Door and up the stairs but watch out for the Arachnotron at the top.

Drop down to the water for bonuses on either side of the room. Just watch out for the 2 Specters.  Press the switch to lift up the bridge to the platform with the Arachnotron. Follow the room around to the right for the Exit (E).

If you want all of the secrets go back to the stairs leading up to the room with the Arachnotron. This triggers a door to the outside to open. This is Secret #6.

Lower the crate around to the right and push the button behind it. This lowers a lift on the other side of the outside area for a few seconds so you can run across to the Armor Bonuses on the hill.

The final secret can be found by opening the wall on the northern edge of the yard. This is Secret #7.

Head up the steps and up the lift with the Hell Knight to a Chainsaw. When you grab it Lost Souls will be released from an alcove behind it.

Continue up the next lift and take out the 2 Mancubis. Behind them you can open up a door to the MegaArmor. From there you can skip across the tops of the crates to the Yellow Key (Y).

When you grab it many enemies will be released so be prepared. The narrow Yellow Door in the corner leads back to the starting area but be prepared for more enemies.

With the optional Yellow Key go through the Red Door to the yard area and hit the Yellow Button on the western side. This opens the door to the Super Shotgun!

When you grab it a Hell Knight will be released behind you. Go through the Yellow Door to the Exit.

Next: Level 2: The Pain Labs

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