Back to Doom 2

The Pain Labs

Secrets: 12

From the Start (S) grab the Shotgun and Shells if you need them. As you turn the corner you’ll see a SoulSphere just out of reach on a pedestal. Secret #1 can be found by opening the wall on the right.

Inside you’ll find a few Imps guarding a Super Shotgun which counts as Secret #2. Next to the SoulSphere is the Red Door. You don’t have the key yet so take the only other exit through the door to the east.

When you make a noise you’ll trigger a Pain Elemental to teleport into the room. There’s also a Chaingun on a pedestal that can be lowered by pushing the button behind it. This is a good weapon for the Pain Elemental.

The Blue Door is just to the right but you don’t have the key for that either. Go back to the 3 steps at the start of the level and run over them. Quickly run back to the room past the slime pit. A panel will have opened. This is Secret #3 and inside you’ll find the Light Amplification Visors.

The Visors are useful for navigating the dark area to the east. Head around to the Red Key (R) and grab it. Once you do Cacodemons will be released.

Take them out and then open Secret #3 behind the box of Ammo. Inside you’ll find the Berserk Pack. Once you grab it the wall to the right will open, releasing more Zombies and Imps.

With the Red Key you can now open the Red Door by the SoulSphere. The alcove to the south of it has opened. Open the southern wall for Secrets 5, 6 and 7. Open the western wall for a switch to lower the SoulSphere. This is Secret #8.

Take out the enemies behind the Red Door. You can press the switch on the platform with the Chaingunners to lower it down and give you more space.

The wall on the northern side of Secret 1 and 2 can also be opened for another way to access that room.

You may have notice a Chainsaw through the window behind the Chaingunners. You can open the wall where there’s a cross in the paneling to get access to the outside area. This is Secret #9.

Hit the switch to lower the pedestal so you can grab the Chainsaw. A few more Zombies and Demons will be released from behind you.

Go back inside and head up the steps. You’ll be on the upper ledge in the first room with the acid pool. Grab the Blue Key and drop down.

Open the Blue Door to the south and make your way down. There will be a lot of enemies around the corner to the right. Use the barrels to for explosive damage.

Open the wall on the western side just before the whole group of enemies. This is Secret #10.

This gives you access to the walkway around the edge where it might be easier to take out the Imps and Cacodemons. Follow it all the way around for the MegaArmor. Open the wall behind it for Secret #11 with the Invisibility Sphere.

Head back around and push the switch in the center. This releases a couple of Hell Knights.

Take them out and grab the Yellow Key. Open the Yellow Doors to the east. They both lead to the same room. Clear out the Pain Elemental, Hell Knights and Mancubis that block your path to the Exit (E).

Open the wall on the left side for the final Secret #12. Follow the steps around to the Computer Map. It’s a bit later for it now but never mind. Head back down and take the exit to the next level.

Next: Level 3: The Pain Labs

Back: Level 1: The Earth Base