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Hell Mountain

Secrets: 8 (Exit to Secret Level)

There are some Health Bonuses in the dark corridor where you Start (S). Grab them now if you need them otherwise head forwards.

Open the south wall at the end of the first corridor and head around for Secret #1 with Invisibility.

For the next section you’ll need to make your way up to the top of the mountain. You can either do it carefully, taking out the enemies as you go, or race past them.

This makes up most of the southern part of the map. Once you reach the door at the top it will open automatically and you’ll be attacked by a Baron of Hell.

Inside the fortress at the top you’ll spot the Yellow and Blue Doors. The Blue Door leads to the normal Exit (E) but we’ll be looking for the secret exit.

When you walk to the west a wall will open releasing a Cacodemon. Open the wall in the alcove behind if for Secret #2. Inside you’ll find some health and a skull button that opens up a door for another secret later.

The Blue Key (B) is on a pedestal that you can’t reach yet. Open the only available door on the western side to the south. Clear out the enemies and then open the wall to the west for Secret #3. Inside you’ll find the Computer Map.

Continue south and then open the door into the large open area. Step forwards and alcoves will open releasing a Pain Elemental and Cacodemons.

Go behind the bloodfall where the Pain Elemental appeared and lower the wall to the south. Take the teleporter for Secret #4 with the Red Key (R).

The red key is needed for the secret exit. Take the teleporter back to the bloodfalls room and grab the Yellow Key (Y).

Open the wall on the north side of the bloodfalls courtyard for Secret #5. Press the skull button to open the door on the southeastern corner of the yard. This releases a handful of Barons of Hell and Hell Knights.

Go through the door you just opened for the Plasma Gun. This is the ledge overlooking the path up the mountain.

Drop down the path up the mountain and go back to the Yellow Door leading to the northern section of the map. Ride up the lift in the center ledge just south of where you teleported in to pick up the Red Key. You can only activate the lift if you have the red key.

Press the skull button on the platform to open a passage to the north. this releases a Cacodemon. On the right corner of this passage is Secret #6. This is an accidental secret. Just press into the corner to trigger the secret.

Enter the passage for Secret #7. This is the path leading to the Secret Exit (E).

Across from the secret passage is an alcove with two skull buttons. Press both of them to release 2 Barons of Hell and lower a small wall in the previous room.

Take out the Barons and open the door between them. This leads to the room with the secret wall that opens when you hit the button in Secret #2.

Before you do that hit the skull button to lower down the Blue Key (B) and the bars leading to the room with the secret.

Enter Secret #2 and hit the skull button. Quickly go through the bars you just lowered and the door you just opened for Secret #8, the final secret. This leads to the SoulSphere.

Go through the secret leading to the secret exit and push the skull button. This opens up a further path with another skull button. Push this button to open up a wall back in the courtyard. Head out and push this button to open up the bars leading to the secret exit.

Re-enter the passage to the secret exit and ride the lift up. Take out the enemies and go back down the lift. Go back a way down the stairs to trigger the wall to the secret exit to open. It’s a timed opening so you’ll need to quickly ride the lift up and dash to the Secret Exit (E).

Next: Level 9: March of the Demons

Back: Level 3: Canyon of the Dead