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Inferno of Blood

Secrets: 11

Step forwards and open the wall opposite the first skull button. This is Secret #1 and has 5 Armor Bonuses. Then press the button to open the first door and go through.

When you head out to the large cavern you’ll alert 3 Cacodemons.

There’s also a Hell Knight around the corner to the right and Revenants behind the far barrier. The blood river below is not dangerous so you can drop down to it if you want.

To reach the next secret you will need to drop down into the blood river and open up the wall at the end. This is Secret #2. This leads around to an Invisibility Sphere and the pillar puzzle.

Once you’ve cleared out the enemies you can experiment with the pillars. The two buttons will raise and lower the third pillar with the shotgun shells on it. The left button lowers it completely and the right button raises it by one step.

Lower the third pillar and raise it twice. You’ll be able to run across the pillars to the ledge with the Hell Knight. Press the button up the top to lower the wall with the Imps and Specters. You can also dash across from here to the Berserk Pack.

Behind the wall you’ll find another 2 buttons. The left one raises the middle pillar and the right one lowers it.

Arrange the pillars so you can dash across to the skull button on the left. This lowers the wall on the eastern side so you can reach the Gargoyle Button. This is the first of three buttons that you need to press to get access to the BFG later.

Return the way you came and continue south into the next large cavern. As you step into it you’ll trigger more enemies. If you’re perceptive you’ll also notice the Blue Key rising up on a pillar.

Clear out all the enemies here, including an Arch Vile that runs out from the northern section of this cavern. Open the wall behind it for Secret #3 and a Chainsaw. When you grab it a Cacodemon is released from a hidden alcove behind it.

Open the wooden door on the eastern side. This leads to an area with quite a few Chaingunners.

Around to the left on the western wall you can lower the wall for Secret #4 with a health pack and boxes of bullets.

You may have also noticed a Plasma Gun in the corner of the room. To lower it down hit the skull switch behind the wall to the right. This is Secret #5.

Enter the room with the Yellow Key (Y) and you’ll see multiple skull buttons. The button on the front of the pillar on the left opens up the left wall. The button on the back of the right pillar opens up the right wall.

The button on the back of the left pillar opens up the path to the yellow key and the buttonon the front of the right pillar opens up the wall to the yellow key for a few seconds.

Press the button behind the yellow key when the wall lowers again to lower the SoulSphere. Grab it for Secret #6. Watch out for the Arch Vile and other enemies that get released.

The room to the north will have opened up. Inside you’ll see lots of blood falls. Open the wall on the north east side. This leads around to the Green Armor for Secret #7.

Open the wall on the second landing up the blood steps for Secret #8 follow the health bonuses around until you can drop down and hit the lion button. This is the second button needed for the BFG later.

Head back to the open cavern area and go through the Yellow Door. Watch out for all the Lost Souls in the passages.

The path to the right leads to a Blue Door and a Mancubis protecting a Rocket Launcher. The path to the left leads to a cavern with Pain Elementals. Use the Plasma or Chaingun to take them out.

Take the higher path and you can dash across the platforms for the rockets. There is a path down below but you’ll need to find a Radiation Suit.

The alcove on the south eastern side has the Radiation Suit (R). Grab it and you can explore the other two alcoves. The one on the western side has the third and final button needed to open the path to the BFG, as well as MegaArmor. This is Secret #9. Chaingunners will be released once you press it.

Head back out the Yellow Door to the main cavern area. Deal with the new enemies. The path leading around to the BFG area is clear. Head up for Secret #10.

Go back through the Yellow Door and this time run across the ledges to the Mancubis. Continue around to the Blue Key.

Go through the Yellow Door and then through the Blue Door. Dash across the lava for the Rockets and then open the wall behind them for Secret #11. This leads up to the Computer Map.

Go back to the starting area and go through the first Blue Door. Go through for the Exit (E).

Next: Level 7: Baron’s Banquet

Back: Level 5: Vivisection