Back to Doom 2

Baron’s Banquet

Secrets: 11

From the Start (S) open the wall straight ahead for Secret #1 with a Rocket Launcher and rockets. Then open the wooden door to start ascending the spiral tower.

Along the way you’ll pass the Blue Door and Blue Key up on a pedestal. Take out the enemies in the alcove beyond this, including a Revenant. Then open the wall behind them for Secret #2 with a Chainsaw and various bonuses. This alcove counts as 3 secrets so you’ll also pick up Secret #3, Secret #4 and Secret #5 by walking into it.

If you run back to the Blue Door you’ll trigger the wall in the alcove to open. Quickly run back and dash across to the Green Armor for Secret #6.

Drop down into the lava on the right side of it for the Radiation Suit. Turn around and make your way around the lava, curving around to the right until you see some steps. Head up them for the SuperShotgun and Secret #7.

Drop down and continue up the spiral tower. Continue around until you see the box of ammo and health pack. Open the wall behind it for a skull button. This opens the a wall you just passed leading to the Yellow Door.

You can’t open the Yellow Door yet but you will find a Berserk Pack in front of it. Continue up to the top of the tower and take out the Baron of Hell. Up the top you’ll find a Plasma Gun and lots of plasma cells.

Press the skull button to lift up steps to the wooden door leading out of this area but Cacodemons will also be released.

Go through the door and then into the next circular room with 3 skull buttons.

Secret #8 is on the right side as you enter. Press on the wall to lower it and release a Cacodemon. Inside you’ll find Armor Bonuses and the Computer Map.

Pressing on the first two skull buttons from the left side will release Revenants. The third skull button from the left is the way forwards.

As you step forwards onto the circular walkway Hell Knights and Mancubis will lift up. Take them out along with all the other enemies.

Go through the wooden door at the end of the walkway, take out the Mancubis and grab the Blue Key.

You can drop down and go through the Blue Door to the Exit if you want be we’re going to go back to the Yellow Door. Take the steps down on the left side of it. This leads down to a ledge by the lava pool and a Radiation Suit.

Grab the Radiation Suit and make your way around to the right through the lava. Grab the Armor Bonuses and press on the skull button on the opposite side of the pillar from the bonuses. When the wall lowers down step onto the teleporter.

This takes you to Secret #9 with the Yellow Key.

Before you take the teleporter out press the skull button to lower down the SoulSphere in another room. You’ll get to that later.

Go back through the teleporter and then through the Yellow Door. Watch out for the Hell Knights and Revenants that appear once the pillar is lowered.

Press the skull button to lower down the first pillar and release another 3 Hell Knights. Another wall is lowered on the curved walkway, releasing more enemies. Take them out and then grab the MegaArmor from the room you just opened.

Take one of the Blue Doors to the room with the SoulSphere (Secret #10). Grab it now if you need it or press the skull button to lower the wall and get ready for a fight.

Press the skull button on either side of the central pedestal to lower it down . When you get close the side walls will open, releasing more enemies.

Press the skull button on the other side of the room to lift up stairs to the exit. It also lifts up stairs to the side hallways so you can get back out. Explore the other hallway from the way you came for more Bonuses and loot.

Return to the spiral tower and head to the Yellow Door. Go through and take out the enemies.

Grab the Bonuses and then open the wall on the left side for Secret #11 which leads to the BFG.

Return to the room where you picked up the SoulSphere. Head up the steps and run around to the Exit.

Next: Level 8: Tomb of Malevolence

Back: Level 6: Inferno of Blood