Back to Doom 2


Secrets: 8

From the Start (S) open the door and take out the Hell Knight and Cacodemon. Straight ahead is a blood pool with steps leading up to the Yellow Door. The only available path is the steps leading west.

This takes you up to the central room of the map that you’ll be revisiting many times. Watch out for the Mancubis and other smaller enemies.

On a pedestal in the center of the room you’ll see the Red Key. You won’t be able to grab it until you find the other keys and lower the pedestal.

Grab the loot and then quickly run back to the starting room. As you pass the entrance to the center room a wall will open in the starting room for a few seconds for Secret #1.

This leads outside to an area where you can find a SoulSphere. Go back to the starting room and continue around to the west.

There are many enemies in the outside area that you can shoot through the bars. The wall with the demonic symbol on it is Secret #2 and lowers to reveal some health, rockets and Armor Bonuses.

The wall with the lamp when you enter this room can be opened for Secret #3. It releases a Cacodemon and gives you access to the large outdoor area.

You’ll find lots of Cacodemons and a few Revenants outside, along with smaller enemies. Hit the lion button on the left wall to lower the Rocket Launcher. This is Secret #4.

The wall to the right of the Rocket Launcher also lowers, releasing 3 Hell Knights and a few Imps. Make your way up the steps along the wall to the south.

At the end of the southern blood pool you’ll find a Berserk Pack. This is not a secret. Demons and Imps will teleport in behind you when you pick it up. When you’re done exploring the outside area hit the lion button in between the two blood pools to lower the bars back to the inside area.

Head up the steps to the Yellow Key and skull button. The skull button lowers down one section of the pedestal with the red key. It also opens another wall and releases more enemies.

Go back to the Yellow Door by the blood river at the start of the level. Inside you’ll find the Blue Key and another skull button.

The skull button lowers a section of the pedestal in the center room with the red key and opens another wall. Before pressing it use the lion button on the left side of it to lower down a lift. Punch out the Imp and turn around to quickly press the next button before the lift raises.

This lowers the wall between the Yellow and Red Doors. you’ll see the Computer Map on a pedestal behind it.

Hit the lion button on the right side of the skull button to lower down the Computer Map. Run into the room for Secret #5 and pick up the Computer Map for Secret #6.

You’ll be trapped in the blood room pool with Specters. Punch them out and take the passage to the left. The wall opens to let you back out.

Press the skull button to lower another section of the red key pedestal. Many enemies will be released.

Go through the Blue Door and take out the Mancubis. Quickly move to the corner to take out the Hell Knights and Barons of Hell as the wall opens.

The panel with the pentagram to the left of the wall that lowers can be opened for Secret #7. This gives you a better angle on some of the enemies and lets you dash across to the MegaArmor on the pillar.

If you miss the jump to the pillar you can press the lion button to lower it down. This also releases Demons from a side cave.

Press the skull button to open the wall back into the main area. Press both skull buttons here to open up the walls to the final skull button that will lower the Red Key.

If the skull button is walled off it means you’ve forgotten to press one of the skull buttons in one of the side rooms.

Many enemies will be released so take them out and get ready for another fight when you grab the Red Key. I like to stay in the center room and fight them off. The corners will open up revealing ammo and health.

Go through one of the Red Doors leading to the southwest corner of the map. There’s quite a few Mancubis wandering around, as well as Imps in the corner cages.

There is one final Secret, open up the panel on the south wall by the Exit (E). This is Secret #8. Inside you’ll find some Rockets and Bonuses. When you are done take the exit to the next level.

Next: Level 6: Inferno of Blood

Back: Level 9: March of the Demons